Cubed (Buffy story)

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Title: Cubed
Author(s): Miss Murchison
Date(s): 2005
Length: 20,179
Genre(s): AU crack
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: Miss Murchison's personal site (archived link), Elysian Fields

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Cubed is a comedic Spuffy fic by Miss Murchison. This story won Best Comedy/Fluff and Best Long Story in Round 15 of the Love's Last Glimpse Awards in 2006.[1] Miss Murchison also won Most Original Demon at the Fang Fetish Awards for her OC Harry.

Cubed spawned a series of sequel stories including; Giftless, If it's Tuesday, this must be Sunnydale, What's in a Name?and Nocturnal Emissions.


To solve a mysterious string of deaths, Buffy and Spike must go where they have never gone before-undercover at a large company, where they must hunt down a murderer amid the cubicles while coping with PowerPoint Presentations and the Coffee Fund Rules. Silly. Complete.

Author's Note:

This is a long-gestating fic. In fact, several elephants could have gestated, been born, and grown to adolescence since I started it. I started it just before Season 7 began airing and worked on it a bit more during the depths of angst-ridden drama on the screen, at my job, and in my fic. I kept adding to it whenever I was desperately in need of cheering myself up. I finished it as an antidote to my current fic, which chronicles Buffy's depression. Therefore, I've set it in an alternative Season 6 where there is no angst. Assume Buffy didn't die at the end of Season 5, or, if she did, she was glad to get back. Don't go looking for any huge problems among the canon characters. They're not there, although all is not sweetness and light. Which is good, because we all know how bad light is for Spike.[2]

Reactions and Reviews

This was a super entertaining read! As a cubical occupant who frequently thinks my coworkers are some kind of chit-chatter demons, I found a lot of amusement in this story! Plus, the hilarity of everyone knowing & being okay with Spike and Buffy together was wonderful! Thanks for a splendid story![3]


  1. ^ Love's Last Glimpse Awards posted by anaross, Jul 2 2006. Access Apr 21 2024.
  2. ^ Buffy and Spike: Cubed a lj post by Miss Murchison at Seasonal Spuffy, Nov 19 2005.
  3. ^ Comment by theblueeyedvampire at Elysian Fields, july 08 2016