Clarity (Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction)

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Title: Clarity
Author(s): Wordseeker and Nightshade_Blaize
Date(s): December 26, 2020
Length: 5820 words
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Miraculous Ladybug
External Links: Fanfic archived
Art archived
Clarity banner.jpg

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Clarity is a GabeNath fanfiction written for the GabeNath Reverse Bang by Wordseeker and Nightshade_Blaize. It is rated G for General Audiences. The fic was beta-read by ChaseDawg12.

The premise for the fic is based on artwork created by PnF-lover98. [1]

Fic Info

Gabriel Agreste and Nathalie Sancoeur lay on a blanket looking up at the stars, in a gentle monotone blue. Yellow fireflies float above them.
This art piece by PnF-lover98 served as the inspiration for Clarity.


A year after Hawkmoth’s surrender, Gabriel asks Nathalie to join him to gaze at the stars. While she waits for him, she contemplates the empty space left by the removal of the portrait from the foyer hall. Growth ensues for them both as they learn to just be by each other’s side.

Additional Tags

Friends to Lovers, Post-Canon, fluff sprinkled with some angst in the middle, Gabriel Agreste shows his softer side, passage of time - freeform, two authors, Stargazing, GabeNath Reverse Bang (Miraculous Ladybug), GabeNath Reverse Bang 2020



I loved that proposal, so sweet. And I totally believe that Gabriel of all people would propose via contract. And yessssss I knew there would be a new portrait by the end! That's a really sweet gift <3

Great job, I loved this story!

ShadowMayura, Dec 26, 2020 [2]

[...]"Say yes"

“You’ve been my rock for years, I figured it was time that I actually gave you one.”

Own, sweet, sweet idiot. ❤💕💕

And Adrien, he appeared so little in the story, but this ending was perfection. Thank you to the whole team for the story.

carola_tavs, Dec 26, 2020 [3]

this was beyond adorable. i think everyone here knows im a sucker for angst but this really got me in the feels tonight. i think i needed some good fluff and this was just so sweet. absolutely loved it scarlet! 😍

hopesartcastle, Dec 27, 2020 [4]

It was a very warm and fluffy story.

I love that Gabriel needed time and that Nathalie was patient, it made them feel so real. It was beautiful how stargazing was the base of their changing relationship and how it didn’t stop even after their falling out. <3 And Gabriel’s proposal was so him, that lame explanation about rocks made me chuckle.

Thank you for this lovely fic!

Ketenn, Dec 27, 2020 [5]


  1. ^ Tumblr masterpost, GabeNath Reverse Bang, Dec 26, 2020
  2. ^ ShadowMayura's comment, Dec 26, 2020
  3. ^ carola_tavs's comment, Dec 26, 2020
  4. ^ hopesartcastle's comment, Dec 27, 2020
  5. ^ Ketenn's comment, Dec 27, 2020