Chris McLean

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Name: Chris McLean
Occupation: Reality TV Show Host
Relationships: Chef Hatchet (coworker; professional chef, co-host of Total Drama)
Fandom: Total Drama
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Chris McLean is the host of Total Drama. He is a very prominent character within the series and popular with fans. As of March 2024, he is the eighth most fanwork'd character from Total Drama as a whole on Archive of Our Own. He's the closest character the series has to a mascot.

Canon Overview

[characterization, story role, further important appearances]


Popular Tropes & Fanon

Trans Male!Chris is a common headcanon.

In Total Roblox Drama, he is called Kyle. Fans may call him this outside of the Roblox fangame.

Chris is also one of the few Total Drama characters with a canonical birthday, being on November 18th.

Subjects of Fannish Interest & Meta

[discourse, trivia, popular memes, character analysis, fan reactions, really anything]

Chris "McLean"

In early Total Drama fandom, it was unknown how Chris' last name was spelled. Common spellings were Maclean, MacClean, McClean, etc.

[Name of Subject #]



Chris is most commonly shipped with his co-host Chef Hatchet, forming Chef Hatchet/Chris McLean. This has been shipped in some capacity since 2007 and is one of the few pairings possible with both characters where both parties are of age. All of Chris' other popular pairings involve him with one of the underage Total Drama contestants. Chris McLean/Lindsay, which pairs him with Lindsay, was a semi-popular pairing in early TD fandom. His ship with Topher, Chris McLean/Topher, was popular in some circles during/after the airing of Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.

Other Relationships of Note

This is purposefully an incomplete list, as Chris is shipped with much of Total Drama's cast.

With... Full Label Type Portmanteau *x* Information
Courtney Chris McLean/Courtney Het Chrisney n/a I'll Cover Angel and Collins popularized this ship to many on FFN. Outside of FFN, however, the ship is a rarepair.
Blaineley Blaineley/Chris McLean Het Chraineley n/a Both are TV hosts who think very highly of themselves.
Izzy Chris McLean/Izzy Het Chrizzy(?) n/a Semi-common rarepair in early TD fandom, less so than with Lindsay.

Example/Notable Fanac

Fan Communities/Fan Events


Fan Art


General Fanworks

References/Further Reading