Category talk:2020s Archives

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Deletion Proposed

Proposing deletion because the articles can be categorised by the specific year, rather than a general decade

The year categories for archives were only created in the last month so I don't think there are any rules about how they should be categorized, and maybe we should start with discussing that first. I think there is a benefit to having decade categories for archives. Ao3 is currently only in the Category:2008 Archives and then its also in the Category:2000s, Category:2010s and Category:2020s. I feel it make more sense to add it to an decade category specifically for archives.
Most archives I'm familiar with were active for multiple years, if not decades. I think it would make more sense to categorize by decade, if we're going to start categorizing archives chronologically. What do other editors think? (I'll flag this discussion on the parent category talk page too) ETA: signature --Auntags (talk) 22:37, 6 April 2023 (UTC)
I agree that decades make more sense for archives (and websites).--aethel (talk) 23:12, 31 May 2023 (UTC)