Captain's Quarters (Star Trek VOY website)

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Captain's Quarters
Author: Gina L. Dartt
Dates: 06 November 1998 - ?
Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager, Bad Girls, All My Children
URL: (2010) (1999)
Captain's Quarters.png
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Captain's Quarters was a personal femslash fanfiction site. The name later changed to Novel Expections.

Disclaimer from the Voyager page:

These stories, for the most part, deal with same sex romantic relationships and varied sexual situations between women. It is categorized as slash fic in the Star Trek fandom, but I prefer the much gentler and more attractive 'alt fic' term as derived from the Xenaverse. Some stories are sexually explicit and are detailed on occasion, requiring the age of consent in your respective area, so read them at your own risk.

Website description from Loving Is Perfection:

Captain's Quarters: And last but certainly not least, you can't have a links page without this one. The sheer volume of Gina's work is staggering. When I wrote to praise her on her exceptional stories, she told me she was just having fun doing something she enjoys. Boy! Is she having a LOT of fun folks. Thirty-two stories so far in her "Just Between" series and that's not even mentioning her other series and stand alones. If she ever eases off, her readers are going to have to form a support group, maybe J/7ers anonymous. Adjust your pointer and click your mouse.[1]


J/7 Fan Fiction

Just Between Series

This is a very large series, consisting of 50 stories broken down into five 'seasons'. It follows the trials and tribulations of the relationship between Janeway and Seven which begins somewhere near the end of the first year Seven came on the ship (season four on the show) and carries them all the way back to the Alpha Quadrant and to a new vessel. It is not necessary that this be read in order to enjoy the Millennium Series, but it helps, I believe. Anyone wishing to comment on these stories may do so on the Novel Expectations Message Board.

Season One Season Two Season Three Season Four Season Five
Just Between Us Just Between Lovers Just Between Lines Just Between Give & Take Just Between Arrivals & Departures
Just Between Them Just Between Species Just Between Lessons Just Between Cigarettes, Whiskey & Wild, Wild Women Just Between Stations
Just Between You & Me Just Between Dreams Just Between Decks Just Between Fears Just Between Past & Present
Just Between Friends Just Between Promises Just Between Battles Just Between Fire & Ice Just Between Ranks
Just Between Enemies Just Between Dusk & Dawn Just Between Fortune & Folly Just Between Perceptions Just Between Planets
Just Between a Rock & a Hard Place Just Between Futures Just Between Lost & Found Just Between Rest And Recreation Just Between Influences
Just Between Realities Just Between Universes Just Between Missions Just Between Senses Just Between Love & Hate
Just Between Stars Just Between Dawn & Dusk Just Between Earth & Sky Just Between Alpha & Delta Just Between Life & Death
Just Between Memories Just Between Deceptions Just Between Truth & Lies Just Between the Sheets Just Between Loyalties
Just Between Right & Wrong Just Between Darkness & Light Just Between Tears Just Between Quadrants Just Between the Earth & the Stars

The following two installments were a collaberation between Gina and Xena fanfic writers B.L. Miller.

  • Just Between Above & Below This story takes place between JB Cigarettes, Whiskey, etc and JB Fears.
  • Just Between Families This story takes place between JB Fears and JB Fire & Ice.

Star Trek: Millennium Series

Comprised of a crew of unique individuals, both Starfleet and civilian, banded together on an experimental vessel out of touch with the Federation and home, they are explorers who will discover many things about the universe around them, and in their own hearts and minds. Commanded by Captain Kathryn Janeway, aided personally and professionally by her capable spouse and science officer, Seven of Nine, she will boldly lead the USS Millennium where no one has gone before. Anyone wishing to comment on these stories may do so on the Novel Expectations Message Board.

Season One Season Two Season Three
Past Provocations I Beta Beginnings I Gamma Grumbling
Past Provocations II Beta Beginnings II
Delicate Diplomacy Superficial Suppositions
Defining Duty Relative Relations
Mission Maneuvers Persistant Priorities
Altering Aspirations Lingering Lamentations
Difficult Decisions Parasitic Perplexity
Collective Comprehension Beta Battles
Tenuous Ties Chaotic Cruise
Prospective Paths Final Frontiers

Janeway/Seven One Shots

Here are assorted J/7 stories which may or may not need to be told but here they are anyway. They tend to stand alone which for me, is unusual because I love to ramble and chew on an idea just to death. Anyone wishing to comment on these stories may do so on the Novel Expectations Message Board.

  • The Morning After - So it's the morning after and you don't remember much about the night before, not how you left the party, not how you got home and especially not how a tall, cool blonde with Borg implants ended up in your bed. What's a captain to do?
  • Fear & Hope - A story inspired by the episode of (almost) the same name. Sometimes it takes all of a Borg's hope to overcome a captain's fear, but what happens when the Borg doesn't even know what the concept of hope is? Can she overcome the obstacles facing her and achieve success?
  • Cause & Effect - A story of mistaken identity and glorious possibilities that might not otherwise be considered if they aren't seen with one's own eyes. My first story to utilize alternate realities, which are always so much fun to play with. It probably goes back to my early interest in super-heroes, and all those stories with alternate worlds in DC Comics. The annual JLA/JSA tales which taught me how to keep similar characters straight. *G*
  • Someone To Watch Over Her - A story inspired by the episode of (almost) the same name. Seven may have been taught how to date by the Doctor, but it is the captain that teaches her why she should want to in the first place.
  • Unfair Haven - A story inspired by the episode of (almost) the same name. Janeway thinks her problems are a result of falling in love with a holo-character. But what if they spring from a deeper source? Short and not too sweet.
  • Timeless Passages - A story inspired by the final episode of Voyager. Not sure why I had to write it , other than an attempt simply to 'fix' what once went wrong. (Hmm, all these Quantum Leap references ... I wonder if it's just because Scott Backula is the new Trek captain ... or simply because Voyager did far too many time travel episodes.)
  • Adrift - My version of what happens after Endgame, now that I've had the time and distance to process that final season of Voyager. Where Timeless Passages was an attempt to alter what happened, this is what hopefully did happen. *G*
  • Night Shift - One last kick at the Fair Haven can. What if Janeway wasn't the only one who had became enamoured with a certain Irish bartender? How would she react, or am I just trying to be evil in this one?

The Counselor Series

Commander Sydney Stone is my own creation, placed into the ST:Voyager universe. They're called MarySue stories. Every writer has them. I'm shameless so I posted them to the net. Anyone wishing to comment on these stories may do so on the Novel Expectations Message Board.

  • Revelations - Sydney barely survives the destruction of her ship and discovers she is now in the Delta Quadrant. Can she adjust to a new life on Voyager? And to Voyager's captain?
  • Repercussions - Sydney finds out that getting involved with the ship's captain carries its own set of baggage ... can they get by it to reach a new understanding?
  • Reliance - Sydney discovers that escalating a relationship can sometimes turn out to be more than she bargained for ... particularly when it's the captain she's involved with.

Bad Girls Fan Fiction

After Larkhall Series

1 Dead Slow 2 Slow & Steady 3 Steady On 4 Onward Bound 5 Bound & Determined 6 Determined to Fail

Stand Alone Stories

  • Picking Up the Pieces

All My Childrend Fan Fiction

  • From the First - My version of Bianca and Reese's first meeting in that park in Paris. This was a relationship that moved at warp speed and the pace is established from the very first moment they lay eyes on each other.
  • Three's a Crowd - This is a story about what I would love to see should the characters ever remain on the show for a significant period of time. It takes place approximately a year after returning to Pine Valley, and is a 'what if' Maggie Stone returned to Pine Valley to live and work.
  • In Every Life (A Little Rain Must Fall) - This takes place immediately after Bianca leaves Reese behind in Pine Valley. We all got to see what Reese was up to during those two months. What was Bianca up to? And why did she give Reese a second chance?
  • Three's Still a Crowd - This is the sequel to the above and delves into how couples deal with thier in-laws...especialy when those in-laws include Erica Kane. Worse, if they include certain other significant citizens of Pine Valley.
  • Come Rain or Come Shine - A sequel to In Every Life, Bianca and Reese discover that just deciding to try again isn't enough. They need help and when they do, naturally they call on the one person who isn't afraid to tell them how it is, Rain Wilkins.
  • Three's Definitely a Crowd - Okay, so this turned out to be a trilogy, one that also tied into the Rain Wilkens stories that are over there on the left. Sometimes fan fic just works out that way. This is probably the last story I will write for Breese because I honestly don't think we'll ever see Bianca and Reese on All My Children again.

Original Fiction

The "My Books" section listed two published Janeway/Seven uber novels. The first one in two different editions and different summaries.

Unexpected Sparks Price: $ 17.99 (USA) ISBN #: 0970887477 Publisher: Justice House Date: February 2002

This book opens with a fatal fire for Sam Madison, Truro's local Lothario, as his insurance office burns to the ground. This arson and subsequent fires makes falling in love a little more complicated as Kate Shannon, forty years old, elegant and highly respected in the small Maritime town, finally surrenders to her growing feelings for twenty-six-year-old Nikki Harris, a country girl who has a habit of poking her nose in where it doesn't belong. Will discovering the unexpected sparks for each other blind these two very different women to those set by an arsonist? Or will the new couple, working together, stop the killer before anything else goes up in flames?

Unexpected Sparks ISBN: 1-933110-46-5 Price: $15.95 (US) Pages: 296 Released: June 2006

Falling in love is complicated enough without adding murder to the mix.

In the midst of bookstore owner Kate Shannon's growing feelings for a much younger Nikki Harris, a fatal fire in an insurance office across the street adds another challenge--and one that could be deadly. Subsequent fires make life hot as they rush against time to unravel the mystery surrounding the death of Sam Madison, all the while dealing with their newfound attraction. Will the unexpected sparks between these two very different women blind them to the true identity of the arsonist? Or will they be able to stop a killer before anything else goes up in flames?

Unexpected Ties ISBN:1-933110-56-2 Price:$15.95 (US) Pages:TBA Released:October 2006

Sometimes the ties that bind can be deadly.

When Stephen Elliot ends up face down in his chocolate mousse at the Historical Society's annual dinner, Kate Shannon and Nikki Harris are swept up in another mystery, much to Kate's chagrin and Nikki's delight. Family ties run deep in the powerful Elliot family, who pull a lot of strings in the tiny town of Truro, and it's very possible that one of those snarled knots has led directly to murder. Meanwhile, Kate and Nikki have family threads of their own that become more complicated when Kate's grandmother unexpectedly returns from Florida, and Nikki's parents, out on the farm, start taking a sudden interest in the couple's unexpected romantic relationship. Can they sort out all these tangled strands before the killer cuts the lifeline that binds them together?


  1. ^ Voylinks. (Accessed 15 August 2020)