Bruce R. Jividen

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Name: Bruce R. Jividen
Alias(es): Bruce Jividen
Type: fanfic writer, zine publisher
Fandoms: Starman (TV)
URL: more on Bruce R. Jividen here
Bruce J on HowNovel on AO3
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Bruce R. Jividen is a Starman fan. He is a writer and zine publisher (Driftwood Press and Last Minute Productions).

From his website: "He has been guest editor of the letterzines Focus and Blue Lights, and is co-editor of the supplement to Blue Lights, BLIP (BLUE LIGHTS Info Pulse), and the new assistant editor for Blue Lights. He published his first Starman story, 'Snowstorm' in 1989... After joining Spotlight STARMAN in 1989, Bruce served in many capacities, first as regional coordinator for Utah, then as a member of the STARMAN Computer Task Force, which sought to bring computer equipment and technical knowledge to Spotlighters who needed such things... 1993 found him organizer of the very successful Star Island Adventure, which took 13 attendees from the past (the Musuem of Natural History at the University of Utah) to the future (the wildly popular Hansen Planetarium). A visit to Utah's Antelope Island (our Star Island) in the Great Salt Lake and a tour of Salt Lake City landmarks completed the con, which was followed by an After-Con Journey (ACJ) that took participants to the Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado...1993 also brought Amazing Variety, Bruce's first Starman fanzine. It was followed by Starcrossed in 1994, a fanzine of Starman "crossover" stories that featured other Spotlighters' favorite fandoms. In 1995 Bruce published his seminal Starman story, Moonlight Express, which won the Fan Quality Award that year for best Starman Stand-Alone Fanzine. In 1996, Effie Burton joined him to produce Starcrossed 2 and the Fan Quality Award winning Starman zine Starlight.... 2000 brought his fifth fanzine, Starlore, to print. 2001 brought another Fan-Q for Starlore, tinkering on several of his Starman projects and the transition to Mac OS X. (Got Unix?)." [1]