bring you out under this flooded sky at any price

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Title: bring you out under this flooded sky at any price
Author(s): gyzym
Date(s): 06 March 2011
Length: ~ 6,800 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: bring you out under this flooded sky at any price (LJ)

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bring you out under this flooded sky at any price is a Steve/Danny story by gyzym.

Summary: In which Danny puts his family first, New Jersey weather is as unpleasant as advertised, and absolutely no one is impressed with Steve.

Author's notes:

So, what happened here, basically, is that hermette and I were talking about our shared love for caught in a rainstorm/soaking wet and freezing cold h/c fic. And she said, it is a shame about H50 being set in Hawaii, because that kind of can't happen when it's warm all the time. And I said, PSHAW, PSHAW, I WILL WORK AROUND THAT FOR THE SAKE OF THIS PLOT DEVICE, HERE, LET IT BE STORY TIME. And then she took all my crazed caplocked rambling and turned it into an outline for me. And then she cheered me on through writing the damned thing. AND THEN SHE BETA-READ IT FOR ME, BECAUSE SHE IS A GODDESS. Seriously, this fic would have languished in my brain for all eternity, but instead here it is, in all its. Er. Shamelessness? Glory? Shameless glory?

Recs and Reviews

If you haven't read every one of gyzym's Hawaii Five-O fics by now, what the hell are you still doing here? :)[1]


  1. ^ lamardeuse. Sunday recs, 06 March 2011. (Accessed 25 June 2016)