Bridger's Folly

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Title: Bridger's Folly
Publisher: Vendredi Press
Editor(s): Deb Walsh
Date(s): 1994
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: SeaQuest
Language: English
External Links: gallery of covers here, Memories and fiction links here; WayBack Archive link to zine flyer; current zine page
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front cover, Barbara Caldwell
back cover, Barbara Caldwell

Bridger's Folly is a gen SeaQuest anthology. It was published in 1994 and is 108 pages long. The art is by Sharon Palmer and Barbara J. Caldwell.

From the Editorial

Welcome to the first - of hopefully many to come - issue of Bridger's Folly. It's appropriate for a fanzine based on a series set in the 21st century that all of the fiction you hold in your hands at this moment came to me by way of the Internet (not yet the Internex as in Lucas's time), that amazing worldwide network of computers, modems, and yes, people. In the months in which Bridger's Folly grew from an idea to a reality, I was very fortunate in meeting - virtually - the people who made this zine possible.

Our two artists, B. Caldwell and Sharon Palmer, aren't on the net, but who cares - these ladies can draw, making this a zine not only full of good stories, but beautiful art. Sharon really deserves credit for starting the whole thing off - she gave me some of her drawings last spring, just as I was starting to advertise for submissions, giving me the impetus to push onward. And Barbara surprised me with not only gorgeous interior illos, but a fabulous front and back cover, and lots of support and friendly natter.

I've known LAC for many years, but it wasn't until we started working together on Bridger's Folly that we discovered just how much we have in common. Thanks, Lucy, for all the natter and friendship. D. Kachmar is a familiar name to anyone interested in Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea fandom, and it was a pleasure to stumble across her on the net and find myself in almost daily conversation about this, that, and the other thing. K.Garrison, a newcomer to published fan fiction, has proved again and again to be a good friend, and a cheerful supporter of the zine (which came in handy many a time). And B. Miller was the one who made me realize that Bridger's Folly could be a reality, by sending the first fiction submission in and blowing me away with such a wonderful story. And my old friend Mary Bloemker played with fonts until she came up with something that could simulate the seaQuest DSV logo font - thanks, as always! I'm grateful for seaQuest DSV in that it has introduced me to a lot of wonderful people.

As we cruise into the second season of seaQuest DSV, I know a lot of us are wondering just what the future holds for Bridger and his new crew. Many of us wonder why we had to get rid of so many members of the old crew. Here, in the pages of a fanzine, we don't have to. The first tour of duty of the UEO sub, seaQuest DSV, doesn't have to end because of budget considerations, actor availability, or network ratings. In fan fiction, all things are possible ...

That doesn't mean that I won't consider stories based on the second season of seaQuest DSVZ. I've always found inter-season fighting to be distressing, and I certainly don't want to foster it. Some of the new characters in this new season are interesting and bear watching - I have to admit that of the new characters, Dagwood is my favorite.

But the triumvirate that made the first season a comforting, almost family environment - Bridger, Westphalen and their surrogate son, Lucas - became the focus of this issue, purely by accident. I know I'm not alone in wanting to read more about those characters and the delightful supporting characters of the first season - Crocker, Hitchcock and the irrepressible Krieg.

Whether there is a second issue of Bridger's Folly is entirely up to you. I - and all of the contributors - welcome your comments, criticisms and suggestions. LoCs are especially nice, and if we receive enough, a LoC column will be included in the next issue. Stories - lots of them - are welcome! There are still so many adventures to be had, so many mysteries of the sea to be explored ... join us as we sail into the 21st century with the crew of the miraculous deep-sea submersible, seaQuest DSV.


Summaries are from the publisher:

  • Clouds and Silver Linings, by Betsy R Miller. Following her initial shakedown cruise, the seaQuest limps back into Pearl Harbor to have her wounds repaired. The seaQuest's physical damage isn't the only rifts to be patched up, as Captain Nathan Bridger soon discovers. (53 pages)
  • Issues of Trust by Karen Garrison. Lucas has returned from Node Three with a 'friend' in tow, but Bridger suspects that the teenager is keeping something important from him. As Bridger attempts to fit together the pieces of the puzzle, Lucas finds himself coping with some very adult decisions. (30 pages)
  • The Ship-Boy's Eyes by L.A. Carr. When an accident in the moonpool puts Lucas Wolenczak in a coma, Ben Krieg- and the entire crew of the seaQuest- find that Lucas has gotten under their skins in ways they hadn't expected. (15 pages)
  • The Heart Knows, by Diane Kachmar. Over time, an understanding develops between the seaQuest's captain and her chief scientific officer. (5 pages)
  • UEO File (Cast list and episode synopses for the first season) (2 pages)