Bill Hickey

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Name: Bill Hickey
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Bill Hickey was a Star Trek: TOS fan.

Bill in uniform, sitting on a replica of the captain's chair on the Enterprise, likely at Schuster Star Trek Conventions/1981 (September) New York City Schuster Star Trek Convention (though possibly the February 1981), from The WKFS Journal (September 1981)

Hickey started a company in the 1970s called Starfleet Uniforms. Based in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, it manufactured and sold classic series uniform tops.

a flyer for Hickey's wares

For most of the 1970s, Hickey's pullover Orlon creations were the only quality, mass-produced facsimile reproductions available to fans. In 1975, a shirt was $16.50, insignia and braids were extra. [1]

Fan Comments

In mid-1982, the creators of his fan club announced its formation and wrote:

We need heroes; we need men whom we can respect, admire and emulate. Bill Hickey fits that description. Bill has had his dreams. He dreamed of owning a Star Trek patch, of owning a Star Trek uniform, of selling Star Trek uniforms, of meeting the Star Trek stars, and, ultimately, of having a part in Star Trek—the Motion Picture. Now, the fact that he has fulfilled these dreams does not make Bill a hero. He is a hero because he shares these experiences with us. When Bill speaks at Star Trek conventions, he weaves an atmosphere of enchantment around his audience. He gives people the hope that their dreams could come true also. The Official Bill Hickey Fan Club gives its members the opportunity to support Bill in his dreams and aspirations. It also permits us to salute his talents, his charisma and his sincerity. [2]

Convention Guest

Hickey was a familiar sight at Star Trek conventions where he wore a yellow captain's shirt of his own creation, flared trousers, and boots.

Hickey was also a guest of honor and/or speaker at cons:

A fan commented about Hickey's talk at the 1979 Labor Day con:

There was a good talk by Bill Hickey, who lived the ultimate fan dream. I don't know if you've ever met Bill, but he sells the uniform shirts, and when he was a little heavier he bore a striking resemblance to Shatner. He got a chance to be in the movie, and his talk was a fan's eye view of actually being on the set and mingling with the "great ones". [3]

Fan Club

He even had his own fan club called Bill Hickey Fan Club, co-presidents were Pam Trelli and Diane Lee Baron. That fan club published a newsletter as well as a novel called Ultimate Fantasy.

Appeared in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture"

Hickey was one of the chosen fans to appear in Star Trek: The Motion Picture where he was a background actor and did not received on-screen credit for his appearance. After the release of the movie, Hickey began selling tops from it. They premiered at the con, Starbase Baltimore, where he was a guest of honor. In the program book for that con, he was described as "an extra in ST: TMP--the guy who solemnly lowers his head in the rec room scene when Epsilon Nine is destroyed."


  1. ^ from an ad in Keep On Trekkin' v.2 n.2
  2. ^ from WKFS Journal (August 1982)
  3. ^ from TREKisM #14 (Sept/Oct 1980)