Bernard Dowd

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Name: Bernard Dowd
Relationships: Tim Drake (boyfriend)
Fandom: DC Comics
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Bernard Dowd is a character from DC Comics and Batman.


Bernard first appears as one of Tim Drake's civilian friends during the 1990s Robin comics run.

He was out of comics for a long time, reappearing in 2021 to reunite with his former friend. Tim and Bernard are currently dating in canon.



Bernard's most popular ship is Tim Drake/Bernard Dowd with his canon love interest, Tim Drake. A much less common but still prevalent OT3 ship is Tim Drake/Bernard Dowd/Kon-El, which includes Kon-El, another popular character often shipped with Tim Drake. Bernard is rarely shipped without Tim, other notable rarepairs being moresomes that include Bart Allen in some capacity.

Common Tropes and Fanon

  • Conspiracy Theorist Bernard Dowd - Bernard, especially in early comic appearances, has conspiracy theories about Batman, Robin, and the government. Often used for comedy in fanworks.
  • Cult Involvement - When reintroduced in 2021 Bernard has fallen victim to the "Cult of Dionysus." Some fans enjoy exploring this further for angst, hurt/comfort, and character studies.
  • EMT Bernard - Some fans enjoy portraying Bernard as an EMT, especially when aged out of college.

Example Fanworks



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