A Love of Dead Things

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Title: A Love of Dead Things
Author(s): Te
Date(s): June 1998 - October 1998
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: A Love of Dead Things (Teland)

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A Love of Dead Things is a Mulder/Krycek series by Te.


  • Freeze - 3 Kb - The chase.
  • This Night - 16 Kb - Mulder goes looking for Alex, and is found by him.
  • Never So Alive - 11 Kb - Alex helps Mulder get used to a few things.
  • The Idea Of Forever - 23 Kb - Goodbyes.
  • And No Other - 13 Kb Everything falls apart.
  • Evil Eye - 28 Kb A night in the approximation of life.
  • Time - 12 Kb - No promises.
  • Taedium Vitae - 33 Kb - Mulder has a conversation.
  • For The Season - 5 Kb - A few Halloween vignettes.

A Love of Dead Things - Alternate Universe(s):

  • Glory Beyond Our Reach - 8 Kb - Getting what we want.
  • Snapshots- 12 Kb - A few glimpses of Alex's time with Anatoly.
  • Snapshots II: Alex - 8 Kb - A few more glimpses.
  • Snapshots III: Mulder - 9 Kb - A glimpse of things from Mulder's point of view.

Recs and Reviews

It's another M/K classic. Te is extremely good with portraying the inner voices of our mad characters and turn them into lyrics. ....And he hoped the night would never end, because sometimes the taste of death is a lot like love[1]

Aaah, vampire fic... What fandom would be complete without a fic, or ten, where the characters for no logical reason turn into bloodsucking creatures of the night?

In the Mulder/Krycek pairing, A Love of Dead Things is the prime example of this absurd genre. I admit, I enjoy this type of fic because I have a weakness for blood play, but the reasons I'm reccing this series of snapshots from Mulder's unlife with Alex here is the beauty of Te's language and her stunning command of narrative technique. The stream of consciousness narration is original and powerful, and, though this doesn't reach the level of perfection Te has achieved in some of her later works in other fandoms, it is still a remarkable piece of writing. And the biting really is hot.[2]


  1. ^ aris in blue(s). X-Files Recs (Accessed 03 April 2015)
  2. ^ isagel in crack_van: A Love of Dead Things by Te (NC-17) , 16 January 2005 (Accessed 13 April 2015)