Zebra Con/1999

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Zebra Con 1999 was held at the Sheraton North Shore on October 15-17, 1999. The con was sold out, as was the dealer's room tables.

It had a Mardi Gras theme.

The con skit was "It's All in Our Heads" by Genetic Fen Productions. From the third progress report: "Yes, Paula Smith is taking a year off (she's certainly entitled!)."

ZebraCon 14 (1999)

The Quilt Raffle

From the third progress report:

S&H QUILT RAFFLE: In aid of the PAF, raffling a quilt made and donated by Tabby Davis. The pattern is called "Sunlight and Shadow" and the colour scheme (red/white/black) reflects the Torino. The quilt is about 1.5m x1.5m (5'x5’) big, and very soft and thick. Raffle tickets will be available at the S&H party at $1.50 each, and the draw will be held at the Party on Saturday night. To buy tickets in advance, contact [email protected] (US members) or [email protected] (European members), or check out our website at: http://www2.crosswinds.net/-zebra3/quilt.htm There will be a photo of the quilt in the Program Book.

Video Prints

From the third progress report:

VIDEO PRINTS: You asked for it - or maybe you didn't. Or you don't remember. Irregardless, VideoPrints are coming to Zebra Con THIS YEAR! Bring your favorite VHS tapes or DVD's (or video cd's) for custom VideoPrinting in the Dealer's Room, at the Jerry Ohlinger's/Special Services tables. Pull up a chair and get the exact image that you want in full color (or full black and white) for only $3 per print. Get more than one; they're small but filling. Something special you don't have on tape? Email the VideoPrince at [email protected] and see if it's in the archives, VideoPrints (as seen at MediaWest and in CINEFANTASTIQUE magazine) are for home use only, no rights given or implied, and are not intended to infringe upon established copyrights or trademarks.

Honor the Badge!

From the third progress report:

Note: You must wear your name badge at ail times! Zcon is bigger than ever and we don't know all of you, so our Security people will be checking badges carefully. If you've left your badge in your room you will be asked to go get it; if you've lost your badge you

must go to Registration and prove your identity to obtain anew one. If you lose your badge holder there will be a$1 charge to replace it. We’ve had some trouble in the past with people not wearing their badges and giving Security staff a hassle over it; also with friends of attendees dropping by and trying to get in function rooms. The larger size of the con forces us to be much stricter than in the past. Your friends can visit in the hotel common areas or your private rooms, but only con members are allowed in the function rooms.

A Plea for Preservation

From the third progress report:

LOOKING FOR FANS: We're looking for fans who were ever into Starsky & Hutch, especially artists, writers, and editors! Much of S&H's art, poetry, stories and zines has been unavailable for years, and is becoming frail with age. We are trying to preserve it on two websites; the Starsky & Hutch Gen Archive and the Starsky & Hutch Slash Archive. Writers, artists, and editors such as Alexis Rogers, Suzan Lovett, Karen Brandi, [Jean C], Teri White, Ruth Kurz, [Leah S], [Rosemary C], Pamela Rose, Terri Beckett, Chris Powers, Jan Lindner and others have offered their work to be preserved on these sites so that new SH fans can rediscover them. But there are many more writers and artists we have yet to reach. We still need to find Lucy Walk Cribb, Cheryl Maier, Jane Aumerle/Penny Warren, Dotty Barry, Marian Kelly, and so many, many more. If you were in Starsky & Hutch, or if you know someone who was, please help. You can write me (Flamingo) at; [email protected], or send snail mail to Flamingo, P.O. Box 823, Beltsville, MD, 20705. I'll be at ZCon wearing something with a flamingo on it. Or leave a message at [Rosemary C's] table. Please help us Archive this wonderful work to share with Starsky & Hutch fans all over the world. Visit the Archives; S&H Gen Archive: http;//members.delphi.com/punkflamingo/web/starskyhutch/index.html; S/H Slash Archive: http://members.delphi.com/ punkflamingo/web/SHarchive/sharchiv.html.

Taking Place in the Video Room


1:30-3;30 The Sentinel party
4-6 Highlander party
6:30-7:30 The Return of the Brits party
8-10 Due South party
10-12:30 Queer As Folk episodes #1-4.


12:30-3 Once A Thief - 3 episodes
3-5 Starsky & Hutch party
5-7 Always and Everyone w/Martin Shaw - 2 episodes
8-10 Oz - 2 episodes
10-12:30 Queer As Folk episodes 5-8
12:30-3am Starsky & Hutch Video Pajama Party
2:30-4 X-Files bloopers
Bree Sharp video

Some Programming

From the third progress report:

Changes since PR#2: The editing/beta-reading panel has been cancelled. The second Pros panel is on AUs ("Why Elves?"). The Wiseguy panel is on which direction should the fandom take. The Due South panel is on the finale and its implications. The UNCLE panel is on "Napoleon's Hidden Depths." And due to a flurry of last-minute requests (i.e. begging and whining from certain committee members), there will be a panel on fandom's hottest new couple: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. And in addition to the 3 games mentioned in PR#2, we'e are also going to be planning Fannish Jeopardy.

Schedule: Friday -1:00 S&H (post Sweet Revenge); How Fandom Has Changed; 2:00 S&H Charades; XFiles (the final season); 3:00 Highlander (villains); Writer's Workshop; 4:00 The Sentinel (4th season); Wiseguy; 6:00 Minotaur’s talk. Saturday -10:00 Q/0; 11:00 Pros (Changing of the Guard); TS (Sentinel/Guide bond), 12:00 S&H: Call My SHluff; HL (Writing Immies); 1:00 Minotaur again; Pros (Au's); 2:00 TS Family Feud; S&H (Writing); 3:00 UNCLE; Fannish Jeopardy; 4:00 SG-1 (series overview); Due South. Sunday 1:00 Dead Dog Panel.

Vid Show

Playlists and vid show reviews from 1993 to 2007 are being collected at ZebraCon/Vid Show. Vid show/songtape info for earlier years can be found on each con's individual page.

Art and Fiction Awards

See Huggy Awards.

Program Book

Convention Reports
