Wolf at the Door

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Title: Wolf at the Door
Author(s): MacGeorge
Date(s): 22 April 2000
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Highlander, Highlander: The Raven
External Links: Wolf at the Door | Holy Ground (MacGeorge's Madness)
Wolf at the Door (Highlander Quill Club)
Wolf at the Door (defunct, Highlander Fiction)
on AO3
title graphic by X

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Wolf at the Door is a Duncan/Methos story by MacGeorge. It has a sequel called Holy Ground.

Summary: "Methos is recuited to be Nick Wolfe's teacher, but decides MacLeod would be a better choice, and that Duncan might learn a few things in the process. (Fabulous artwork by X) Posted here April 22, 2000. New posting note 8/20/00: The wonderful and talented Eng has mounted Wolf at the Door in the Highlander Quill Club Library with some lovely, lovely artwork for both the cover and each chapter. What can I say? I am among the most fortunate of people to have such talented and generous friends."[1]

Reactions and Reviews

Okay, I admit it. I liked Highlander: The Raven (yes, that was me). It wasn't a great series by any means, but it was light hearted, Nick and Amanda had chemistry (ironic, since apparently the two actors playing them hated each other), and there wasn't a single brooding Scotsman in sight. Since my dream spin-off of Joe and Methos going on an endless roadtrip wasn't very likely, I'm content with what I got. Plus, it gets Amanda out of the way of D/M, so everyone wins.

For those that don't know, the male lead of Raven was Nick Wolf, a latent Immortal ex-cop turned PI that Amanda adopts, primarily so she can make his life miserable, because Amanda is, as always, Amanda. In the series finale, Nick is given a slow-acting poison and Amanda kills him to trigger his immortality. He doesn't take it very well.

Wolf at the Door starts right after that episode and answers an interesting question: if Nick is too pissed at Amanda for her to be his teacher, who is going to take over the job? After Methos (dis)respectfully declines (and everyone's reaction to him even being in the running is hilarious), he manipulates Duncan into doing it. The only problem? Nick's finding Duncan awfully attractive, and Duncan's not nearly disinterested enough for Methos's peace of mind. A fun romp that manages to find a happy medium between Highlander's dourness and Raven's lightness.

For those who are interested, there is a sequel: Holy Ground. I'm not recommending it (one of the few MacGeorge stories I'm passing on) because more than half of the story is given over to a plotline involving a gaggle of OCs I'm not interested in and because, frankly, the D/M part of the story is kind of depressing, despite a technically happy ending.[2]

I should probably just say everything by MacGeorge, she's a gifted writer and an extremely generous person. Wolf at the Door stands out because it's on of the few (at least that I've seen) that deal with the Raven. Nick sort of intrigued me and I wondered how he would deal with becoming an Immortal. MacGeorge spins an wonderful tale that brings new insights into all of the characters even the secondary characters. Holy Ground is the sequel but it deals only with Duncan & Methos' relationship that began in Wolf. Once again more amazing insights into these two amazing flawed men. rec: June 2001[3]


  1. ^ MacGeorge's Under the Boardwalk. (Accessed 15 January 2017)
  2. ^ jane_elliot in epic_recs. Wolf at the Door by MacGeorge (NC-17), 13 August 2007. (Accessed 15 January 2017)
  3. ^ soo. soo's Den of Obsessions: Old Recs: Highlander, June 2001. (Accessed 15 January 2017)