what the hell is a lillesand anyway?

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Title: what the hell is a lillesand anyway?
Author(s): nova33
Date(s): 21 December 2010
Length: ~ 3,000 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: what the hell is a lillesand anyway? (LJ)

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what the hell is a lillesand anyway? is a Steve/Danny story by nova33.

Summary: Written for this prompt Danny is finally moving into a new place and goes shopping for a new bed, Steve tags along.

Recs and Reviews

Oh, the hilarity. Danny is his perfect, grumpy and ranting self, while Steve is adorable. For once, Danny is the clueless one and the talks are so them, it’s pretty delicious (perfect to feel better after the last rec)[1]

First-season Steve initially hates Danny's apartment, that much is clear in canon. Naturally, when Danny says he needs to go shopping for a new bed, Steve decides to go along, although it isn't clear if he's there to help or just to drive Danny insane. So, business as usual.

Anyone who has ever roamed an IKEA (for better or worse) will appreciate this fic, and Danny does love to get his rant on. Steve patiently goes along for the ride (and the ridicule) because really, it's in his best interests to make sure his partner is well-rested, and therefore a bed is essential.

But, will an IKEA bed stand up to Steve's, um, "scrutiny"?[2]
