Victim of the Game

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Title: Victim of the Game
Author(s): CKing
Date(s): 23 November 1997 - 2001
Length: ~111,000 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Victim of the Game 1 (RatB)
Victim of the Game 2 (RatB)
Victim of the Game 3 (RatB)
Victim of the Game 4 (RatB)
Victim of the Game 5 (RatB)
Victim of the Game 6 (RatB)
Victim of the Game 7 (RatB)
Victim of the Game 8 (RatB)
Victim of the Game (Night666's Homepage)

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Victim of the Game is a Mulder/Krycek slash series by CKing that takes place after the episode Terma. It's unfinished.

Summary: Krycek enlists Mulder's help in dealing with an alien. This follows after an earlier story, "Hodie mihi, cras tibi" which is on Gossamer. (You shouldn't need to have read it, but it is there if you want the back story.)

Krycek accidentally becomes the host of an alien entity that sees Mulder and Krycek as its family. They call it Alexei. The alien can communicate telepathically with its host and it can take over Krycek to interact with Mulder. Dealing with the alien makes them face their feelings for each other.

The series was nominated in the category "Best Series" in the 1999 Lisa e Krysa Awards.[1] It's recced at Whispered Words.[2]

The first seven parts where posted in the 1990s. Part eight was finished in 2001.[3]


Victim of the Game.png


"I need to make a deal with you, Mulder. I need your help."


There was the sharper bark of a big rifle, and the gun fire stopped. Alex sat up beside his ex-partner. He gently ran his hand over Mulder's face. "Oh, no."


Mulder studied him with a critical squint. "Where is your loyalty, Alexei?"
"My loyalty is to myself and my host."
There was an almost imperceptible note of pleading, an aching sincerity, in his face as he looked into Mulder's eyes. "And to you."


He looked over to see Alex was sound asleep, his arm having fallen to the side. Mulder laid the arm back onto the bed and stared at his companion. //You are going to break my heart, Alex. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.//


Alexei shifted slightly under the covers. He brushed back against a warm, solid body and smiled. The curious alien considered several different techniques for waking Mulder up.


Alex read the mixed emotions on Mulder's face. "You thought I was attacking you." His voice came so softly, Mulder could barely hear it. Low and smoky and laced with old bitterness.
"I thought we were past that," Alex whispered. The excitement in his narrow face was replaced with a deep sadness at the distrust he knew he had earned.
"I would never hurt you, moi lyubimyj."


Alex tried to twist free as he felt the bike going over onto its side, still sliding toward an ancient forest giant. He hit the ground and rolled, coming to a crashing halt against a tree with a crunch he knew had to signal broken bones.


“I love you, Alex. It doesn’t make sense, it’s insane and it’s damn inconvenient, but I love you.”
Alex raised his eyes to Mulder, the anger and fire were gone from the deep green eyes, leaving in their wake only the black, aching hollow of fatigue. He studied Mulder’s face for just a moment before lowering his eyes again. He shook his head in denial, his face twisted in a tight grimace as he stared at the floor.

Recs and Reviews

Aliens take to Krycek like demons to brimstone.[4]


  1. ^ LeK: Best Series. (Accessed 05 January 2014)
  2. ^ Whispered Words: Slash recommendations database. (Accessed 05 January 2014)
  3. ^ RatB Recommendations Board: VoG Part 8 out soon, 10 May 2001. (Accessed 05 January 2014)
  4. ^ Worlds Enough. Sylvia's X-Files Slash Recs. (Accessed 04 April 2015)