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Kay Shapero (nee Jones), born 1950, grew up reading science fiction, have been actively involved in fandom one way or another since spotting a table with tribbles on it at a school club fair in 1973. Said table was for a Star Trek club, STAR San Diego. Got involved in Role-Playing Game fandom in 1974 with the advent of Dungeons and Dragons, helped start Furry, involved in other fandoms including Filk, Babylon 5, Anime, Manga and comics in general, and Doctor Who. Contributed to various fanzines, also published one, Intercepted. Mostly, a generalist member of Science Fiction Fandom who figures you get the most fun by playing with all the toys. Member of the LASFS. Attends various conventions; was on staff for the entirety of ConFurence, usually as Den Mother, currently serves on the CaliFur staff. Met Nicolai Shapero at the 1974 San Diego ComicCon (he was DMing the D&D game referred to above) and married him in 1978. One child, Victoria, now adult, also a fan. --Kay Jones Shapero 23:46, 8 September 2012 (UTC)