Unhinged ao3 tags

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The Ao3 tagging system, and the wide range of fics on AO3, has lead to some collecting or meming on the huge range of unhinged ao3 tags, which has quickly become a part of fandom culture. The main source of content for this is the bot account on twitter @unhingedA03, mirrored on mastodon at @[email protected]. Some of these tags have resemblance to Tumblr style chatty tags

Links, fanworks

Some example & related information

Title Fic Link Fandom
"Frank's latent parental instinct v peter's desire to kick flip off a skyscraper" the first step of kintsugi Marvel
"Oh my god... they were brothers..." (Related: Roommates) Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! (Video Game)
"How To Train Your Vampire Not To Commit Genocide" Coriolis Force Castlevania
"You WILL learn historically accurate ancient Egyptian horse names And You Will Like It" Slightly Haunted (WIP) Yu-Gi-Oh!
"Nonconning Your Crush In His Sleep But then He Plays The Uno Reverse Card"
"ur not into it but ur gonna read it anyway out of morbid curiosity"
Christian Bible])" (related trope: Blasphemy)
"not explicitly magical healing cock but there's definitely room to extrapolate in that direction"