Trio (Forever Knight story)

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Title: Trio
Author(s): Imajiru
Date(s): 5/1/1996
Length: 15K words (novelette)
Genre(s): adult
Fandom(s): Forever Knight
External Links: "Trio"

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"Trio" is an adult Forever Knight novelette by Imajiru.


It is a Last Knight Story (i.e. set after the episode "Last Knight") in which LaCroix decided to bring Natalie Lambert across, rather than leave her to die.

Having left Nick Knight believing her dead, LaCroix does not reintroduce them until he has taught Natalie how to control herself as a vampire, and Nick's grief has brought him to realize that he would rather have her alive whatever the circumstances. The three must then come to a modus vivendi.

The story is divided into three parts, the first from the perspective of Natalie, the second from Nick's point of view, and the third following LaCroix. Nick initially revels in the restoration of Natalie, who can now become his lover. However, when LaCroix tactfully leaves them, he finds that he misses his master and eventually must admit that he loves him, too. LaCroix does not, however, recognize his protegé's revelation until almost too late. The story concludes with the threesome accepting their mutual relationship.

Reactions and Reviews

Why this must be read: Stories by this author have an edge that is so inviting to me. "Trio" is one of many, many stories the fandom has that uses the series finale as a new beginning for the characters, in this case LaCroix, Nick and Natalie. All the old character boundaries have been wiped away and in its place is a new reality, free from restrictions. This story is evocative and very hot, but I also appreciate the characterization of LaCroix. He's not the unflinching, overbearing father figure often presented in the series, but a vampire who misses the companionship of his beloved son.[1]


  1. ^ Crack Van (Dec 30, 2009)