To Survive

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Title: To Survive
Author(s): Moonpuppy
Date(s): 2000 or before
Length: 152k
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Highlander
External Links: To Survive (MoonPuppy's Methosian Pathways) (defunct)

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To Survive is a Duncan/Methos slash story by Moonpuppy.

Summary: NC-17 - To what ends would Methos go to survive?

This started out as a PWP - honest! - from comments on ROG-L about wanting to read a story about Duncan being the seducer and Methos as the seducee. It rapidly took on a life of it's own. Oh, yeah, RFW rejoice - he's not dead here.

Recs and Reviews

Not my type of Rape, but might be perfect for you To Survive by Moonpuppy -- Methos can’t get past thinking two men together means pain.[1]
