To Love A Stray

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Title: To Love A Stray
Author(s): d_e_s
Date(s): Jan 7 2016 - Sept 4 2016
Length: 51k words, 7 chapters
Genre(s): Soulmate AU, Drama
Fandom(s): Assassin's Creed & inFAMOUS
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To Love A Stray is an Assassin's Creed/inFAMOUS crossover fic by d_e_s featuring the pairing Desmond Miles/Delsin Rowe.

Author's summary: desmond didn't die when he touched juno's orb. instead, he was given a second chance to become something he'd never previously had the opportunity to be: normal. only, this chance didn't come without a price. in a world where color only exists after you meet your soulmate, desmond was happy to live a life of gray, until delsin rowe unwittingly shattered that world and forced him to make yet another choice.

Even before the story was finished, it inspired a fan comic by Chami Ryokuroi.

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