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Name: throwupsparkles
Type: fanfic writer
Fandoms: Bandom, HIM
URL: AO3; tumblr
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throwupsparkles is a Bandom fanfic writer who created an AO3 account in 2019[1] and posted mainly My Chemical Romance stories. Of the 40 stories posted to their account as of December 2021, 25 were Frank/Gerard.[2]

In 2020 they modded a small Bandom fic exchange with 20 participants, Have Yourself A Merry Little Fic Exchange.

They briefly co-modded Bandom Big Bang for the 2021 round, but stepped down in January after being harassed for not giving in to demands for content restrictions. In June 2021 panicked readers on twitter reported that they had deactivated their accounts, although possibly just their social media accounts and not AO3: apparently they had been harassed for being too old to be in fandom (over 21).[3] The deletion may have been temporary or may only have affected throwupsparkles' twitter account. In December 2021 they spoke in defense of the new offshoot big bang challenge Bandom Summer Blowout (which unlike the new Bandom Big Bang didn't have content restrictions) and were harassed again; they announced they would be deleting all their fanfic and social media accounts. They briefly resurfaced several months later on tumblr and recreated their AO3 account, but most of their fics were never re-uploaded to AO3 and instead were passed around between readers on social media, sharing links to someone's copies on google drive.

Example Fanworks

Fan Reactions/Reviews

just wanted to say that your writing is a huge inspiration. ive read many fics that ive loved over the years, but i really only have a handful of writers that motivate me to write my own stories and comfort me, and you're one of them. thanks for sharing your beautiful work with us, it's an honor![4]


throwupsparkles really knows how to twist the knife. not even the sad part yet and i'm tearin up 😩[5]


i could ask which fic but all of theirs are painful[6]


I’ve been putting this off because I’m not sure I want to feel that much[7]


so i finished that yesterday and what do i do, read cigarettes and saints, december 3rd, and i don't mind you under my skin one after the other crying like a big ol baby. i don't recommend doing that all in a row. went to bed dehydrated.[8]

Responses to In Your Sweetest Torment:

I remember checking every day for updates til it was gone 😭 I’m so glad that it’s not lost forever!!!!! <3 [9]

Oh my GOD the relationship in this is PERFECT, I cannot stress enough. The way throwupsparkles writes Frank is so beautiful and full of life and character, and the way in which they built the relationship between Frank and Gerard AAHHHHHH. It fills me with SUCH a beautiful feeling of love, hope, and TRUST. I LOVE IT - Please give it a chance, ok. It’s perfect.

mcrlibrary rec[10]
