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Three Years Later in San Francisco

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Title: Three Years Later in San Francisco
Author(s): Patricia Laurie Stephens
Date(s): 1993
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Three Years Later in San Francisco is a Kirk/Spock story by Patricia Laurie Stephens.

It was published in Candlelight and Flames #2 as part of a challenge for two others to continue the story, The Red Fields. The other "sequel" is LlGumba.


"Kirk reunites with Spock three years after losing part of his memory when he begins to have flashbacks, and the lovers fight to break the memory block."

Reactions and Reviews

This gritty sequel to "The Red Fields" is the best federation conspiracy story that I've read in fan fiction. the motivation behind the conspiracy seemed very plausible. The fact that a new power clique wanted nothing to do with the conspiracy was also realistic. Political aims do fluctuate over time. The deft handling of high level political intrigue and the in depth portrayal of Kirk's psychological difficulties, illustrate Patricia Laurie Stephens' greatest strengths as a writer. I hope that she continues to write more stories like this one, [1]
