Thirty-Six hours and Fifteen Minutes

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Title: Thirty-Six hours and Fifteen Minutes
Author(s): leupagus
Date(s): 12 October - 30 November 2011
Length: 15,462 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Thirty-Six hours and Fifteen Minutes (AO3)
Chapter 1: Comfort Levels (LJ)
rec + photoset by thefancyspin (2015)

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Thirty-Six hours and Fifteen Minutes is a Steve/Danny story by leupagus.

Summary: It turns out knowing that Steve's breath catches whenever you press teeth against his throat doesn't mean he can't still make you want to murder him whenever he launches himself off a roof in pursuit of a suspect or decides there's not enough time to put on his vest before busting into a meth lab and beating people up.

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: Well first of all? Really porny. Also tremendously well written and funny and just great fun overall. Plus we love the fact they they going about things backwards: fooling around first before Danny decides that they need to go on a date. And it’s a REALLY good date.[1]

Thirty-Six Hours and Fifteen Minutes by Leupagus tho, is definitely pretty much all porn. It’s Danny/Steve and it’s a nice honestly realistic look at sex. Sex can be fun, awkward, interrupted, nasty, sticky, funny, sexy, and on and on. It also is a wonderful interpretation of that first rush of dating/having sex with someone (I don’t date so I’m not real clear on how the whole feelings thing works outside of fiction) where you just can’t get enough of each other and wind up living inside each other’s pockets for hours or days on end before things get more routine (read: boring). The best thing is that through all of that sexing and cuddling and hanging out, Danny is still Danny and Steve is still Steve. The fic is told through Danny’s POV but Leupagus’s voice for Danny and Steve and also for Danny’s internal monologue is fantastic.[2]

[...] the one where, after a lot of kissing and circling around something real, Steve and Danny spend the weekend moving their relationship along. Lots of sex, and fun, and intimacy, and just a beautiful way of showing the layers of this relationship beyond just the physical. Enjoy![3]

Why read: Need some fun and gorgeous Steve/Danny fic to cheer up your day? This is that fic :-) It’s the “oops we forgot to end the date” thing done beautifully, and it really fits for both of them.[4]

We all have a need to define things in our lives, to know where we stand. Danny Williams is no different. He and Steve have been doing something for a little while now, but Danny doesn't know what to call it, and he really wants a name for it. So, they go on a date ... which lasts approximately 36 hours and 15 minutes. Is that enough to tell Danny what they have and where they're going? Leupagus is funny and prolific, and her Danny is hilarious. (Not to mention the getting together is hot, hot, hot!)[5]

Thirty-Six Hours and Fifteen Minutes Series by leupagus. Steve/Danny | NC-17. After weeks of making out on the couch and bantering, Danny and Steve go on a date and then have holyhellthatwashot sex... with bantering.[6]

Steve/Danny, NC-17, ~13,500 words (so far) === Danny and Steve have this *thing*, where they're making out but it's not dating and they're not fucking and Danny would very much like to figure out what the hell is going on. (Note: As of right now, this is a WiP, but it's very satisfying as it stands.) [7]


  1. ^ shinysylver in: h50-rec-room. Themed Thursday (5/12/10) - Long!Fic. (Accessed 16 May 2016)
  2. ^ its-2-am. Hawai’i Five-0 non gen recs, 05 January 2016. (Accessed 01 June 2016)
  3. ^ thefancyspin. Thirty Six Hours and Fifteen Minutes by leupagus. Explicit., 26 July 2015. (Accessed 03 June 2016)
  4. ^ selenay936. Thirty-Six Hours and Fifteen Minutes - leupagus - Hawaii Five-0 (2010) [Archive of Our Own], 13 May 2015. (Accessed 03 June 2016)
  5. ^ laceymcbain in: crack_van. Thirty-Six Hours and Fifteen Minutes by leupagus (NC-17), 26 February 2012. (Accessed 08 June 2016)
  6. ^ reeface. Operation: H50 Recs, 2011. (Accessed 10 June 2016)
  7. ^ topaz119. h5-0 things that made me happy, 30 November 2010. (Accessed 14 June 2016)