Themed Response

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Name: Themed Response
Date(s): ? - present[1]
Archivist: A.j.
Founder: A.j.
Type: fanfiction
Fandom: Batman
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Themed Response is a fanfiction archive for any Tim Drake/Cassandra Cain fics. It is hosted at The Family Archives, A.j.'s domain. It hosts ?? fics by 22 authors.

The Name

On why this archive titled Themed Response:

"Well, that's because DC's previous Batgirl and Robin (Barbara Gordon and Richard Grayson) kinda sorta fell in love and got together. And, if Tim and Cass hook up, well... It's a themed response, ain't it?"


Authors Archived[3]

A.j. Anonymous Dr. Benway C.W. Blaine Chicago
Debbie & Rick Charlene E Gen X Jim Greeno Paige H
Lee Hughes Libby Gaeriel Mallory Marcelo Moon
Nikoru Nikoru The Seitz Slipstream Smitty Thomas Tan
Recceanna Valourawynne Winter Sonata


  1. ^ Last update, however, was 4/10/03 [1]
  2. ^ Themed Response Main Page
  3. ^ In the case where an author's full legal name was used, the first name or the surname has been replaced with an initial to avoid outing. Those authors whose surnames remain are 1) already known for their fannish work (by use of Google); 2) deceased; or 3) have an extremely common name(s) that are difficult to Google.