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The Rhythm of Love

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Title: Rhythm of Love
Author(s): Alice Hooker
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Rhythm of Love is a Kirk/Spock story by Alice Hooker.

It was published in Charisma #19.

It has a sequel called A Favored Few.


"Spock sees Kirk accept an invitation to dance from a crewman thatʼs been after him, so he makes sure that Kirkʼs dancing days with anyone else are over."

Reactions and Reviews


"THE RHYTHM OF LOVE" is listed as Alice Hooker's first K/S story. It's 12 pages, and its sequel " A FAVORED FEW" is 26 pages. I liked the first story very much. I really like some of the dialogue and descriptions, such as the part toward the bottom of page 130, especially the comment about the "steam". I enjoyed Spock later saying, "I have noted that you possess all the failings of your race, but I have never previously found stupidity to be among them." Another random example is Kirk apologizing with, I had to find out if you felt the same way about me, and I did it in my usual sledge hammer way." The story itself has some weak parts for me. I don't think Kirk would act the way he did. He explains his actions, but I still don't find them believable. I think what he did in the gym just is too out of character. I don't think he would use the "pendant ploy" either. BUT overall this is a good story and highly enjoyable. [1]

After reading a number of this prolific author's work, it was interesting reading what was explained was her very first K/S story.

Done in a nice, breezy, fun style, we follow Spock as he watches Kirk dance with two turned on guys with the hots for the captain. Poor Spock suffers suitable angst as the captain gyrates on the floor with these lusty fellows.

"If Spock had been able to produce steam from his nostrils, he would undoubtedly have done so." Cute!

A few choice British-isms here and there like 'punters' and 'cheek".

So, despite vast leaps of logic in characterizations and a large dose of suspension of disbelief (would Kirk really do that to Spock?), I found myself enjoying this story -- I mean, how can you help but like it seeing Kirk dance wildly across the floor? [2]


  1. ^ from Come Together #15 (March 1995)
  2. ^ from Come Together #17