The Puzzle (Star Trek: TOS story by Karla Kelly)

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Title: The Puzzle
Author(s): Karla Kelly
Date(s): 1991
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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The Puzzle is a Kirk/Spock story by Karla Kelly.

It was published in the print zine First Time #30.


"After Kirk turns down the advances of a desirable female, Spock meditates on what this might mean in regards to Jimʼs relationship with him."

Reactions and Reviews


I liked the way that the women of Kirk's past 'spoke' to Spock. The meditation was a nice wayo f bringing all those from the past together. I also thought the title and final sentence appropriate to the story. [1]


An interesting view to have Kirk's women appearing in Spock's mind during his medications. but never finding out just how it is happening is very frustrating. I felt the mention by T'Pring of a link with Kirk was a case of too little, too late. Better perhaps to have a stronger explanation before the visitations began so the reader could focus more on the analogy of the puzzle rather than wondering how it could be happening. [2]
