The Performance Series

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Title: The Performance Series
Author(s): Orithain
Date(s): 1999
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: X-Files Fanfiction by Orithain (Den of Sin)

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The Performance Series is a Mulder/Krycek series by Orithain.


  • Command Performance - An encounter on a train.
  • Return Engagement - Mulder and Krycek meet again after their encounter on the train. (January 1999)
  • Encore - Another encounter between Mulder and Krycek, but there's no alien to blame this time. (February 1999)
  • Curtain Call - Who means more to Mulder, Scully or Alex? (September 1999)

Recs and Reviews

Part of The Infernale Challenges. This one was Orithain's response to 'The Train Challenge'. [...] It's a series of stories about some interludes between the two boys. It starts out as a way to barter for their lives from an alien shape-shifter who was ordered to kill them both, but doesn't really want to. He's curious about human sexuality and for a performance he's willing to spare their lives. I know it sounds a little odd, but it works for the stories. They are only really coerced into these little rendezvous during the first two stories. Even then they really enjoy themselves and it's no big hardship. You know, pent up desires and all that. After the first couple of interludes, it's all them. Hot sweaty and desperate for one another. Are you guessing yet that these aren't that much more than PWP's yet? They are pretty good ones though. I thoroughly enjoyed them. One of those set of stories that I've been know to read when I'm in a certain mood. Not a high angst level in these, though there is some. These are stories I like to read when I'm in the mood for seeing the boys get together happily, fall in love, and have lots of hot sex.<g> Definitely something to check out when you might be in that kind of mood.[1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 31 March 2015)