The Overturning Moment

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Title: The Overturning Moment
Author(s): azziria
Date(s): 06 April - 07 August 2011
Length: 20,715 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: The Overturning Moment (AO3)

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The Overturning Moment is a Steve/Danny story by azziria.

Summary: Steve's pregnant, and panicking. (Note: If you think that finding out you’re pregnant is always a happy, fluffy thing then you should probably steer clear.)

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: This fic is not for everyone. Not only is it mpreg but it deals with issues relating to the pregnancy including post-partum depression very frankly, however it is a wonderfully written and powerful piece. It may be strange to call an mpreg fic "realistic" and yet that seems like the best word to describe it. The author takes a look at the psychological toll a male pregnancy might take and she doesn't pull any punches. It's harsh and painful to read. But no matter how harsh, there is hope.[1]
