The Hunt (Merlin story)

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Title: The Hunt
Author(s): novemberlite
Date(s): 10 December 2011
Length: 12,200 words / 1:36:31 hours
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: The Hunt (Merlin Holidays)
The Hunt (LiveJournal)
The Hunt (AO3)
The Hunt.png

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The Hunt is a Merlin/Arthur story by novemberlite. It was written for merlin_holidays 2011.

Summary: “Those Pendragons, they’re a different sort. Beastly, but clever. It’s said they’re drawn to magic--to power--and that’s how they find their... mate.”

erica_schall podficced the story for The Podfic Big Bang 2012.[1]

Recs and Reviews

"I adore canon AU and this one is fascinating. I’ve never read knotting in Merlin fandom before but.. yeah. It’s totally going on my kink list. That said, the actual knotting is fairly short so certainly skimmable if it’s not your thing. But the plot is nicely done and something I haven’t read before and the sex (rough and feral) was everything I could ask for."[2]

"Check the content warnings on this one, but even if this isn't your kink, you might think about checking it out, because it's a kink fic for sure, but it's so much more than that. It's really beautifully written, with so much depth and emotion, and the sex is stupidly, stupidly hot, and the voice is just fantastic. Loved the fuck out of this one."[3]

"The set-up is there to frame the sex (which is scorching hot) and not the other way around, which left me wanting more fleshed-out characters and a world (and more sex)."[4]

"Why I loved it: Hands down, one of the sexiest things I have ever read. And not just for the smut - which is brain-meltingly AWESOME! The author created a rich AU setting with incredible characterizations of Secretly!Bamf!Merlin and Dominant!possessive!Arthur - I fell in love with these two and sincerely hope there are some follow-on fics in this 'verse. The idea of a Beltane 'Hunt' where the hunter 'claims' his prize hits my kink buttons like whoa! Did I mention the sex? Oh my God. I can't wait for the reveals because I'm going to stalk this author like a mofo - unless they're already on my FList... In which case I will re-read everything they have ever written and gush some more."[5]

"It's kink knotting fic out in nature. I'm not much into canon festivities but it was a nice backstory touch in this (almost too much but it helped build the UST). The sex was hot and forest-y. I liked Arthur's characterisation in this AU setting, just on the right side of edgy and commanding."[6]


  1. ^ eosrose in podficbigbang. Merlin: The Hunt, 11 June 2012. (Accessed 11 June 2012)
  2. ^ marguerite_26, Merlin Recs, 16 December 2011. (Accessed 16 January 2012)
  3. ^ hermette. merlin rec: the hunt, 10 December 2011. (Accessed 16 January 2012)
  4. ^ staubundsterne. Friday Fic Recs (sorta), 07 January 2012. (Accessed 25 February 2012)
  5. ^ steamyaffair. More Merlin Holidays Recs..., 17 December 2011. (Accessed 11 March 2012)
  6. ^ cruentum. Fics from Merlin Hols I've been into thus far, 15 December 2011. (Accessed 11 March 2012)