The Gift (Hawaii Five-0 story)

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Title: The Gift
Author(s): kristen999
Date(s): 26 May 2016
Length: 9,947 words
Genre(s): pre-slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: The Gift (AO3)

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The Gift is a Steve/Danny pre-slash story by kristen999.

Summary: Danny and Steve would never be the same again. Coda to 6.25.

Recs and Reviews

peggyswilliams: Seriously guys, this fic is amazing. It’s everything I wished the end of 625 was, and much much more than that. Do your eyeballs a favour and read it.

lovethesnark: Far as I’m concerned, this is exactly what happened unless proven otherwise.[1]

<3333 I'd been looking forward to this immensely, and wow, it did not disappoint. So respectful of both boys; of what they're going through and what they've yet to go through. I love how you addressed the fact that Danny is in touch with his mortality whereas Steve, bless his boots, is often a different breed. Neither is better or worse, they're just different, and I loved Danny saying, "Hey, I understand these feelings, and I'm here to tell you that there's no shame in them."

It must be truly shocking to wake up and discover that you could've died several times over, if not for another sacrificing for you. Especially for a man like Steve. At his heart he's such a good egg, I really hope the show treats him with even a fraction of the respect you have. Ditto, for Danny: he's given his heart and soul, and if the show remembers that, we shall be happy campers.

Great fic, a wonderful demonstration of their bond. Cheers for the hard work![2]

I really, really loved this! I'm so glad that this was more focused on Danny, and still you managed to show the impact of what happened to Steve.

I know that Danny wasn't really craving recognition, all that he needed was to see Steve well again, but he did need a bit of reassurance after all that happened, and I loved how you got us to that point in the end.

Thank you so much for sharing![3]


  1. ^ lovethesnark. The Gift, 26 May 2015. (Accessed 03 June 2016)
  2. ^ imaginary_iby. Comment, 25 May 2016 (different timezone?). (Accessed 03 June 2016)
  3. ^ Ilmare_Ilse. Comment, 26 May 2016. (Accessed 03 June 2016)