The Eurisko Archive

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Name: The Eurisko Archive
Date(s): 1996-1997
Archivist: Amanda Pavlick
Fandom: The X-Files
URL: The Eurisko Archive, Archived version
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The Eurisko Archive was an X-Files MSR fiction archive created by Amanda Pavlick.


Authors Archived

Viv Wiley | Emma Baker | Sheryl Clay | Lea Collins | Cheryl Deluca | S. Anderson | Paula Graves | Leyla Harrison | Kristie Hughes | Imajiru | Melissa Kent | Sarah "S/S" Kiley | Lisa Loiselle | Sheryl Martin | Nicole Mason | MD1016 | Parrotfish | Madeleine Partous | Dawson E. Rambo | Karen Rasch | Kelli C. Rocherolle | Amy Schatz | Shalimar | Sarah Stegall | viXen

Fan Comments

[1996]: "Eurisko began as a way to share my favorite fanfiction with my internet friends. We're all relationshippers and were always sharing our new 'finds' in fanfiction, but going out to find each individual story took time - I began the page so that I could put them all in one place and share them with more than just people I knew personally. It's been a marvellous success, by the e-mail and responses I've gotten, and I find it very rewarding!"

The Eurisko Archive is a terrific place to find MSR's written by some of the best writers in XF Fanficdom. Don't miss it! [1]
