The Erotic Adventures of Buffy and Evil Vampire Willow

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Fan Comic
Title: The Adventures of Buffy and Evil Vampire Willow
Artist: Anne-Lise & Fox
Date(s): 2001
First Published:
Genre/Style: femslash comic
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: The Adventures of Buffy and Evil Vampire Willow
The Adventures Of Buffy And Evil Vampire Willow.png
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The Erotic Adventures of Buffy and Evil Vampire Willow is a Buffy/Willow comic strip by Anne-Lise & Fox. This explicit comic pairs Buffy with Vamp!Willow from the Wishverse; a canon alternate universe from Seaon 3 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The comic was written by Anne-Lise and drawn by Fox.[1]

Recs and Reviews

A bloody fantastic comic script featuring Buffy & Evil Vampire Willow and their erotic adventures. Something that has got to be seen to be believed. rec: July 2001[2]

OMG!! I love this!!

I think this is my new favorite comic strip!!

The Erotic Adventures Of Buffy & Evil Vampire Willow

I just read ALL of them, there is only 29, if any of you like Buffy The Vampire Slayer and don't mind LOTS of cartoon lesbian action, you should check these out, most are funny as hell!! [3]


  1. ^ Recommendation at Buffyversetop5 by ffutures crediting FOx as the artist and Anne-Lise as the author, October 2009 (Accessed 15 September 2024)
  2. ^ soo. soo's Den of Obsessions: Old Recs: Buffy, July 2001. (Accessed 08 January 2017)
  3. ^ Livejournal post by spider_fan, August 2002 (Accessed 15 September 2024)