The End

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Title: The End
Author(s): Sei Aiy Khey
Date(s): mid to late 1970s
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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The End is a Star Trek: TOS story by Sei Aiy Khey.

It was published in the print zine Obsczine. [1]

One fan described this as "that strange little zine from England, called OBSCZINE, which doubtless contains the world's worst "hurt" story (no "comfort" in this one!)." [2]


A deathfic where the entire crew is captured, and tortured to death by aliens; ends with Kirk’s suicide.

Reactions and Reviews

The "obscene" in this zine is often of the violent and sickening sort, rather than the sensual and passionate kind. The mimeo printing in parts of my copy is so bad that part of the index is totally unreadable, as is the title of the second story, by "Sei Aiy Khey" on page 7. However, this is the one that particularly needs a warning: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE! It contains certain strong images and unpleasant concepts that will stay with you and haunt you, even though you are forewarned. Stated baldly, it is bad enough, but it may allay your curiousity. Kirk relaxes his guard momentarily, and in that moment of inattention vicious aliens destroy the Enterprise and most of its crew. The rest are left to die, or are painfully tested and experimented upon, then vivisected—as is Spock. Kirk breaks free, mercifully kills Spock, then himself, that is the End. And if you think that that is bad, you have never read the story! [3]

Please - don't go into too many details about that little horror in the UK OBSCZINE. I can't remember anything about the rest of the zine (I got rid of it) but that one was so nasty it stunk, and I still shudder whenever I'm reminded of it. The writer told me when the zine came out that she had wanted to write something that was really obscene - and boy, she did! The only thing worse was that hellishly well done poem (from a US zine) where Kirk and Spock are captured and Spock is hung up on a meat hook to make Kirk talk - and they're rescued too late to save him. [4]


  1. ^ not be confused with Obsc'zine
  2. ^ from Not Tonight Spock #6
  3. ^ from Not Tonight Spock! #9
  4. ^ from Not Tonight Spock #7