The Boyfriend Job

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Title: The Boyfriend Job
Author(s): james
Date(s): 29 November 2010
Length: 2,038 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0 / Leverage
External Links: The Boyfriend Job (AO3)
Art: The Boyfriend Job (AO3)
cover art by sian1359

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The Boyfriend Job is a Steve/Danny story by james. It was reprinted in the 2011 ConStricted By Plot zine with cover art by sian1359.

Summary: Eliot Spencer is in town, and Danny decides to take advantage of that fact.

Recs and Reviews

Yay! It's Crack Van Collisions! We have comparatively few crossovers in this fandom, but there are a few very good ones, and the one below is my pick, both because it's a personal favorite and because it somehow stays true to the atmosphere of both shows in a very fun way.

So this one's a crossover with Leverage, and not just any crossover! It has Elliot Spencer dropping by. How could any Leverage fan resist? Watch Elliot flirt, everyone else simmer, and Steve lose his freaking mind as Danny banters and flirts with a charming handsome ex-military badass that's not Steve.

Read, laugh, enjoy![1]


  1. ^ cccarioca in: crack_van. The Boyfriend Job by James (Teen and up), 15 May 2011. (Accessed 08 June 2016)