Temptations Renewed

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Temptations Renewed
Author(s): Flora Poste
Date(s): 1992
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Temptations Renewed is a K/S story by Flora Poste.

art by Marty Siegrist for Temptations Renewed

It was published in the print zine Amazing Grace #2.


"Kirk wonders at Spockʼs withdrawal since their last night of lovemaking, and hopes to pull him back while on shoreleave, afraid his lover is having seconds thoughts about bonding with him."

Reactions and Reviews

A well-written and amusing little story even for a reader (me, for instance) who hasn't read the original chocolate mousse story on which it is based. And I was surprised that I liked it, because, like Spock in the story. I think that food and sex don't mix. Or, in his words, "I do not think that I approve of mousse in bed*" (I know, a lot of people believe just the opposite. It's a matter of individual taste.)

So I didn't expect to enjoy this story at all: Spock-in-the-kitchen stories have never appealed to me. But the author surprised me. The dialogue between K&S is right on, and the mousse problem, as it is revealed, is deeper than it appears on the surface. It turns out both Spock and Kirk are concerned about where their relationship is going. They're tackling the "do you love me as much as I love you?" question that comes up sooner or later in every love relationship. The author answers those questions swiftly but adequately; I admire her ability to draw a clear picture with very few words. The bonding is sweet, the dialogue, sparing and urgent: "Listen, Jim: will you bond with me? Now? Tonight?"

And again, in very few words, the author hints that her vision of the relationship runs deep. For example: "He tightened his grip on Spock's hand, and raised it to the side of his face, offering a mind-meld. And this time, instead of refusing it--as he had done before, when they first became lovers-Spock joined his mind." I want to see that story of when they first became lovers; I believe it's there, just out of sight I don't believe I've ever read a K/S story by this author before. I've read and admired humorous gen stories of hers. Anyway. I'm glad to see her famous wit applied to K/S.

By the way, an amazing recipe for Spock's chocolate mousse follows the story. It's the most erotic recipe I've ever come across. And it's not for the weak of heart-literally—what with all the eggs, heavy cream, etc. (I'd suggest using Egg Beaters or a similar pasteurized egg substitute; the mousse will be slightly less rich, but you won't have to worry about Salmonella poisoning, either.)

All in all, a very nice piece. [1]


  1. ^ from Come Together #8