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Can anyone add something about earlier waves of TOSings (for instance, of adult-oriented mailing lists)? If I recall correctly, that was one of the things that prompted the migration of many fans to LJ in the first place, so I'd love to see some of that history recorded.--Penknife 15:32, 8 October 2008 (UTC)

There's also the TOSsings of fan websites from Tripod. I wrote about that at some point, and I think I have some links. I'll try to dig them up. --Nestra 15:41, 8 October 2008 (UTC)
I remember the Tripod thing and the panic it caused (omg, the panic, half of fandom was on Tripod), but also that there was possibly a mixup somewhere? Maybe that it wasn't TOSsing, but a server meltdown or something. I'll see if I can find any old email about it, if no one else remembers it better. And obviously, even if that's true, fandom absolutely assumed it was a mass TOSsing and reacted accordingly, so it belongs here even if just for that. --Arduinna 16:43, 8 October 2008 (UTC)
Yeah, the Salon article mentions that Tripod muttered something about mistakes, but I don't remember, and I don't know of a follow-up article.--Nestra 16:46, 8 October 2008 (UTC)
Didn't the MasterApprentice SW list get TOSed once from yahoogroups? I think I vaguely remember being on it and then the list wasn't there anymore, but I'm not sure I'm remembering this right, anyway the current group has a founding date from 2003, so clearly there was an interruption of some sort.--Ratcreature 16:07, 8 October 2008 (UTC)
That sounds familiar, but I don't know for sure either. I should probably add something about the Fandom Wank TOSsing from LiveJournal -- not that we can list every community that was ever TOSsed, but Fandom Wank moving to JournalFen was a big deal in the history of JournalFen.--Penknife 16:32, 8 October 2008 (UTC)
The thing about the Yahoo TOSings is Yahoo is a "hear no evil" type service. At least the reality of the situation in XF seems to be that Yahoo TOSings are user-driven. A User gets pissy with a list admin, reports the list to Yahoo for having adult content (which almost all XF lists located on Yahoo have some) and bye-bye list. Yahoo doesn't intentionally go out and find adult content--but a user who goes on a rampage can cause massive damage to a fandom very quickly because a report means they're kicking you.--Deirdre 16:36, 8 October 2008 (UTC)

I've put the list of notable TOSsings in chronological order -- I think that's the easiest way to organize it as it gets longer.--Penknife 16:42, 8 October 2008 (UTC)