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This would probably best be a disambiguation page? I know of at least one really popular HP fanfic story with the title Resolution, i.e. Resolution by GreenGecko (a Snape adopts Harry story), and also a well known SGA fanfic by Resonant just on top of my head. There have to be dozens of stories with this title.

ETA: wrt to the SW story, the story by Martha Wilson called "Resolutions" is also archived online here: , she also wrote under [redacted] in zines, however I think then organized her pro-writing as [redacted] and her fanwriting as Martha Wilson? Anyway, the profic site now uses [redacted] and the fanfic page Martha Wilson, so maybe we should stick with that in the nomenclature here?--Ratcreature 12:57, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

Please stick to just Martha Wilson, even though she used a different name in older zines, as I do know that the author doesn't want links drawn between her pro and fan names. I've redacted the page revisions which connect her ids. --Betty 15:28, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, agreed re: disambiguation; I'm deleting the current page content and turning it into a disambig page that people can add more to as they think of it. --Arduinna 21:53, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

There's also a Harry/Draco story called Resolution by Frances Potter. I don't know how well-known it was by HP standards, but I remember seeing it recced.--Æthel 23:15, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

Help! I know I've gotten myself in this pickle before, but I added the Sentinel zine to this page, then went to add that actual zine but I'm trapped in some go-nowhere cycle with this title. I need a blank page. Mrs. Potato Head 00:51, 10 October 2009

If there's more than one title that uses the same general base name (here, "Resolution" or "Resolutions"), you need to specify in the page title - it's the same principle as what used to be the individual fanwork naming convention. In this case, it needs to be Resolutions (Sentinel zine). Trying to link just to Resolutions will bring you to the disambig page for everything called Resolution or Resolutions. --Arduinna 01:18, 10 October 2009 (UTC)