Talk:Fanon Draco

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Shouldn't this be a part of the harry potter pages? --rache 14:05, 8 May 2009 (UTC)

I'm not sure where we left off with fandom-specific glossary terms. If Fanon Draco should be a subpage, then these should also be subpages, yes? EWE, Fine Kirkpatrick Ass, Muldertorture--Æthel 14:39, 8 May 2009 (UTC)
It's less glossary stuff to me and more that the other character pages I've looked at lately (see Stargate Atlantis)) integrated the fanon stuff with the regular character pages. I do get that Fanon Draco is a specfic term in Harry Potter fandom, like Action!Mulder was in XFiles, but I would expect both to be associated with their main character pages in some fashion. --rache 16:32, 8 May 2009 (UTC)
The subpage display just sucks though. Especially with many subpages there is a terrible clump of clutter in the box, in which you can't find a page. I like it much better if glossary erms remain top level, even if they are fandom specific. I have no idea what the advantage of subpages is supposed to be anyway, since the hierarchical listing on the pages is so broken.--Ratcreature 12:17, 9 May 2009 (UTC)
Agreed on the clutter. We could always have a Harry Potter/Fandom Glossary page and then list terms that are links to top-level pages like Fanon Draco. Likewise, I don't see why there can't be a little overlap between Fanon Draco and the Draco character page, once someone creates it...--Æthel 19:04, 9 May 2009 (UTC)


It would be great if someone could add a Draco fanart piece that illustrates Fanon Draco. Anything where he's wearing leather pants trousers would work. :) --æthel 14:59, 19 August 2010 (UTC)

Oh, I don't know... Considering how fanon Draco gets around, leather panties might be just the thing. ;P Franzeska 13:48, 20 August 2010 (UTC)
Ask and ye shall receive, since a link has been added.