Talk:DVD Commentary Challenge

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The comm was created in August 2006, not 2004(which would be 'the following August'). Does the challenge predate the comm? I know the practice of commentating someone else's story does, because I was doing it before that. *g* Trying to dig up the entries now... --LC 05:07, 30 September 2008 (UTC)

Okay, have located it: I suggested the idea of 'audience commentary' on my LJ on 11/27/05. I think this is the official first one on 11/30/05, and then I did one some hours later. Documentation! ...I'm not sure how/where to put this in the entry, though. --LC 06:03, 30 September 2008 (UTC)

LC: I added the information to the entry, but I'm not sure how to cite you as the source of it. Could you add that the information regarding earliest reader-initiated DVD Commentaries was found by you? --Seperis 11:15 AM, 30 September 2008 (CST) not entirely sure what you mean? It seems kind of odd to credit someone just for finding something. Possibly I need to reread the citation guidelines. (Also it's all here on the talk page!) --LC 21:26, 30 September 2008 (UTC)
I am deeply weird about mis-citing, so consider this me being anal. I forgot, yeah, history documents it nicely.--Seperis 22:25, 30 September 2008 (UTC)

I copied relevant parts of the History section over to the DVD Commentary article. Should these paragraphs be deleted or abridged here, or is the duplication okay as is?--Aethel 06:06, 28 December 2008 (UTC)