Talk:Capslock House

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Okay, wow, I just clicked that link and that page background is horrible flashing neon colors. I don't know if it's actually fast enough to be potentially seizure-triggering, but it's bad enough that I literally turned my head to get away from it while I tried to back out. This might need some sort of warning next to the link to the comm. --Arduinna 22:47, 8 October 2008 (UTC)

Whoa, you're right. This needed a warning ASAP. I relegated the link to a footnote and included a warning text there (although it is lame, you might want to change it.) --lian 23:57, 8 October 2008 (UTC)

Bellaboo 00:10, 9 October 2008 (UTC) Eeep! I hadn't thought about that. Thanks to Arduinna for pointing that out and Lian for making the edit.

NP! As long as we catch it in time! :) --lian 00:21, 9 October 2008 (UTC)