Sweet Disaster

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Title: Sweet Disaster
Author(s): Elizabeth Scott
Date(s): 1988
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Sweet Disaster is a K/S story by Elizabeth Scott.

It was published in the print zine First Time #17.


"After pon farr together,Spock rejects a bonding with Kirk out of fear of the effects on him."


"Are you telling me that Vulcan is going to let him die because he is half-Human?" Kirk cut in angrily.

"The realities of Vulcan are often harsh," Sarek intoned stoically.

"Then what are we doing here? I didn't drag him halfway across the galaxy just to let him die at home!"

"There is perhaps a solution, Captain. There are those families on Vulcan that have few resources and little influence who will permit their daughters to provide the . . . necessary relief in exchange for bonding at the cessation of the ordeal."

"You mean you have to buy a wife for him?" McCoy asked.

Reactions and Reviews


This story is a roller coaster ride, due mainly to the author's talented writing ability. It takes us from fear, anger and surprise to hope and happiness and then just when we're all settled down for a happy ending we get zapped with another heart-wrenching crisis. All in one story! I always enjoy Pon Farr stories, and this one gives us everything we could possibly want. Even T'Pring makes a special appearance. The scene that stands out in my mind is when Spock appears holding Kirk's bruised and battered body in his arms. A great visual image. A also enjoyed the clear evidence of Sarek's love for Amanda, conyeved convincingly even though he never actually says the words. [1]
