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Kon-El/M'gann M'orzz

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Pairing: Miss Martian/Superboy
Kon-El/M'gann M'orzz
Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz
Alternative name(s): SuperMartian
Gender category: Het
Fandom: Young Justice (TV Series)
Canonical?: Canon
Prevalence: Popular
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Miss Martian/Superboy, also known as SuperMartian, is the het pairing of Conner Kent and M'gann M'orzz in the Young Justice fandom.


Miss Martian and Superboy are both members of Young Justice and joined at the same time. Megan seemed to be attracted to Conner and would gravitate to him more for most of the early missions. Initially, the two did not start on a good start: Megan would telepathically communicate with Conner who did not like that style of communication. The rest of the team were able to sort the problem out and the came to a mutual understanding.

In a mission against Psimon, they almost kissed but were interrupted[1]. Superboy and Miss Martian didn't get together until they were sent on a mission in Belle Reve together, disguised as the Terror Twins. During an attempted breakout, Miss Martian was put on ice by Killer Frost, After Superboy defeated Killer Frost (with the unwitting help of Icicle Jr.), he was able to find Miss Martian and encouraged her to use her telekinesis to escape. Overwhelmed by their emotions, they kissed[2].

They kept the relationship a secret for nearly two weeks before Robin and Aqualad found out. Zatanna figured it out as well, and told Artemis of it (who at the time also liked Superboy). Artemis eventually told Kid Flash (who had liked Miss Martian).

The Light had discovered M'gann's true appearance (that of a White Martian), and Queen Bee blackmailed her with it. After Superboy and Artemis told the Team about their true heritage, Miss Martian decided it was time to show them hers. She was afraid of rejection, though Superboy told her he had always known. The team accepted her and the others[3].

Superboy eventually broke their relationship after five years because he felt she left him no choice. He thought she was abusing her telepathic abilities (i.e. using them too much). The real catalyst seemed to be when Miss Martian attempted to tamper with Superboy's mind to make him forget he was upset with her[4]. Despite the break-up, the two remain amicable and apart of the Young Justice team.


The fandom is completely within the Young Justice cartoon fandom, probably due to the canon attraction the two share (and later canon romance), despite the fact that the two were members of Teen Titans comicsverse at the same time (this is probably due to the canon of the pairing Conner/Cassie and they did not have much interaction like in the cartoon series). The pairing (and especially M'gann) received a lot of hate for a variety of reasons. Fans often cited M'gann not respecting privacy with her telepathy and her "being annoying" as their reasons to bash her and the pairing. Despite the hate, the pairing is one of the most popular Young Justice pairings.





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  1. ^ Season 1 Episode 9
  2. ^ Season 1 Episode 11
  3. ^ Season 1 Episode 25
  4. ^ Season 2 Episode 7