Stormy Night (Newsies fic)

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Title: Stormy Night
Author(s): Raindrop Allen
Date(s): 2000
Length: 15 chapters
Genre(s): drama, romance
Fandom(s): Newsies
External Links: Brooklyn, Additional copy

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Stormy Night is a Newsies fic by Raindrop Allen. It received the Golden Newspaper Awards for Best Plot and Most Nominated; the Coneflower Fanfic Contest awards for Best Drama, Best Romance, Best Female Character, and Best Portrayal of A Newsie Guy; the Cake's Fanfic Contest awards for Favorite "Melting" Love Story, Favorite Female Character, and 1st Place; and the Second Jack Kelly Award for Best Drama.

Reactions and Reviews

The fic that gave me a hankering to actually see Newsies, I like it a lot. It use to be one of my favorites, but now I view it differently. Like the mistakes of the plot being right and the changing of character's attitudes. I know that it's hard keeping that all together when you're young ((I think Raindrop was 14 when she wrote this?)) and it's your first fic. Very good anyways!

Coneflower Adams[1]

I loved it. It's by far the best Newsies Fanfic that I've yet to read. I love Spot. He's my favorite. I would love to by like Raindrop and live with the Newsies and be Spot's "goil". The reminds me. You also did a really good job writing the dialogue "wit' a New Yawk" accent. How ever, within the story, there were a few tyepoes. Oh, well. No one is perfect, and I'm sure it's hard to edit a story that long. Over all, it was an excellent story. Well done, my fellow "Newsies",(and of course Spot), lover!

Mary Grace[2]

I originally came on to the site to find a copy of the Newsies soundtrack for my little sister. I was intrigued by the thought of people writing stories about the Newsies characters, so I started to read Stormy Night. I thought it was extremely well-written and suspenseful. I thought it was a great story!


I read it nearly a year ago and it's still one of my faves.

To be completely honest I don't remember the whole story but it was one of the first fanfics I read. I remember going online at twelve am and staying up 'til five just to finish reading it. I read it before I saw the movie and even the way you described Spot made me fall in love with him before I knew what he really looked like. I thought it was cute the way you added little things like Raindrop,

Mush, Blink, and Race having a waterfight.


My absolute all time favorite Newsies story AND all time favorite Spot story. Jack asks Spot to train his newest member of the Manhattan Newsies, in the Brooklyn art of fighting. Unfortunatly things don't turn out like he expects.

