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Name: stim's TREK TRIBUTE
Owner/Maintainer: Mikki Halpin (editor-in-chief)
Dates: 1996
Type: meta
Fandom: all the Treks
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stim's TREK TRIBUTE is a 1996 collection of Star Trek essays.

stim was an online site for commentary, and the "TREK TRIBUTE" was a special issue compiled just as the Trek movie, "First Contact" was released.

It very much has that mid-1990's dated cyber-y, snarky, edgy thing going on, which in itself is a sub-genre and not unlike the "Trekkies" they mostly skewer. See Geek Hierarchy.


No, you are not reading an issue of Starlog Magazine, this is not a Trekkie convention, and we are not wearing Federation uniforms. Well, okay, not all of us are wearing Federation uniforms. But now that STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT has opened, we thought that it would be a good time to capitalize on this moment and open our Star Trek Files! Come and look through our recent ground-breaking, Earth-shattering, first-ever theme issue.


  • Star Trek Humor: "You will be amazed at how much time some of these Trekkies have on their hands! Not only do they make their own costumes, but they are all aspiring comedians!"
  • Cosmos Patrol: Star Trek For Communists: "Do you remember hearing about the Russian Star Trek back during the Cold War? Those pesky Rooskies were stealing all our ideas; let Andrew Cohen tell you how it really was."
  • Soapbox: Why I Hate Star Trek: "Sure, you're not a Trekkie. I've heard that one before. Just to patronize you in that respect, here's what Sam Pratt thinks of the whole thing."
  • Alien Bladder Tea: "Have you ever wondered, as most Trekkies do, who does the laundry on the Enterprise? What kind of STDs result from cross-species sex? How bad is the cancer rate is for the engineers working on the Warp coils? Well, Richard Kadrey is here to do that kind of thinking for you."
  • Spock Pistols/Kaptain Kirk: "More Trekkies with musical instruments. Only this time, they seem to be a little more original and humorous: the Spock Pistols dress in Federation uniforms and do Sex Pistols covers, and Kaptain Kirk is an Indian who wears Federation-like uniforms and plays Bhangra."
  • Dating Data: "Data's a robot that is "fully functional", need we say more? He even has a pet cat!"
  • Data's Paintings: "When Data say he's "fully functional", he means that he's also a sensitive artist-type. But is he any good?"
  • Star Trek Books: "So you want to be a Trekkie and you want to read up on it first? Here's a brief list of some Trek books available." (contains a review of the zine series, The Agonizer)
  • A Real Tricorder: "Is this a joke? No, a "real" Tricorder has been in production in Canada for a while now. Is there too much reality in your fantasy?"
  • Home Horror Makeup 2.0: The New Star Trek: "With Data being all the rage, it would only be natural for you to look like him too. Tiffany Lee Brown shows us how to not only look like Data, but Bajoran and Borg as well."
  • 47: "Ever noticed how the number 47 pops up a lot in Star Trek? Me neither, but Daniel Radosh will tell you otherwise."
  • The Protocols of the Elders of Ferengi: "Have you noticed any racial stereotypes on Star Trek? Gavin Edwards has, and the Ferengi are dead ringers for the Jewish stereotype. Are the producers aware of this as intentional commentary or did this bit of anti-Semitism slip by unnoticed?"
  • Capitalism: The Final Frontier: "In the future there will be no money?!?! That's what Star Trek says, and they wouldn't lie to me. Ted Friedman discusses just what this means."
  • Star Breasts: "Marjorie Ingall takes us through the history of the nipple and the breast in Star Trek."
  • My Heart Belongs to Janeway: "Elizabeth Reba Weise walks through a history of women as portrayed by that one teevee show that Gene Roddenberry wrote."
