Skeletons in the Closet

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Title: Skeletons in the Closet
Author(s): Brandy Amber Allen
Date(s): 1985
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Skeletons in the Closet is a Kirk/Spock story by Brandy Amber Allen.

It was published in the print zine First Time #4.


"Kirk is unusually withdrawn, so McCoy orders Spock to go with their captain to Earth following Kirk's mother's death."

Reactions and Reviews


If you can get past the obvious pen name, the story is well worth reading. It's a little harsh, but Ms. Allen's handling of Kirk's pain and past is very wrenching and, of course, our Vulcan solves all the problems. [1]


Engrossing tale of Kirk coming to terms with boyhood trauma of being raped by his father and with Spock's help he begins to heal, lovely, succinct romantic ending. [2]


Upsetting, to say the least. We are being confronted with human nature at its lowest. One question kept popping up. Assuming that Kirk would’ve undergone severe psychological testing to determine his ability, suitability at command, could he have suppressed the events in his youth to such a degree that they fail to surface during testing? [3]


  1. ^ from On the Double #1
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #45
  3. ^ from The K/S Press #10