Ship and Let Ship

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Synonyms: SALS, DL;DR, Don't Like Don't Read, proshipping
See also: Three Laws of Fandom, Anti-shipper
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Ship And Let Ship, also abbreviated SALS, is a fannish catchphrase commonly used to indicate one disagrees with anti-shipping. "Ship And Let Ship" was listed as one of ozhawkauthor's Three Laws of Fandom, a popular 2016 tumblr post.

It refers to the practice of letting others ship as they want, as you yourself do, without getting into ship wars or harassing other fans because we're all talking about fiction and it's not the job of fans to police what others do with the characters.

"Ship And Let Ship" is related to the concept of proshipper or Anti-anti, terms that emerged in response to the anti-shipping purity culture in spaces like twitter, tumblr and tiktok at the end of the 2010's. However, due to anti-shippers redefining the term "proshipping" as "problematic shipping", some fans have abandoned the term proshipping, despite sharing the same beliefs (that shipping isn't morality and you shouldn't harass other fans over their ships). See this Reddit thread from 2022 on the topic.

Ship And Let Ship has become one of the core parts of the more complex proshipping thought in fandom, in addition to its use as a signal on tumblr blogs that the user will not attack others over shipping stuff nor will they tolerate it on their blog.[1] However, SALS by itself has a longer story than just the debated pro/anti discussion and its use doesn't signify the user is participating on the wider polemic.


  1. ^ Example of blog summary: Ship and let ship, etc. Queer. Most of my tumblr is for reblogging stuff that interests me, my iddle musings about whatever is of my interest or making meta, so welcome!!