Shining On

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Title: Shining On
Publisher: Venice Place Press
Date(s): 2004
Medium: print
Fandom: Starsky and Hutch
Language: English
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cover by Virginia Sky

Shining On is a 192-page slash anthology with stories by Paula Wilshe and published as a tribute to her. It has the subtitle, "In Memory of Paula Wilshe" on the cover. Illustrations by Julie Henderson, J. Jones and Virginia Sky. Cover design and creation by Virginia Sky.

It has a gen sister zine called Shining Through.

Reactions and Reviews

[Beach Time]: Why this must be read: It's post-Sweet Revenge (notice the scars) and it's not earth-shattering or unexpected or anything that will turn your world on your axis. It's Starsky and Hutch, healing, being together, learning that sometimes survival isn't about what's lost, but what's gained on the journey back. [1]

[Boys of Summer]: Why this must be read: It's post-Sweet Revenge and it's not such much about the physical healing as it is about learning that what you fear isn't necessarily the truth of the matter. The boys are taking care of Hutch's parents place and...going home again and meeting your past isn't as big a worry as Hutch might think. The writing style of her paragraph block is what drew me in. She reuses the first paragraph later on in the story, word for word, reversing the character...and it works perfectly. The revelation of their love to an outsider is through a simple act and the outcome is very unique in that love can shine through almost anything. [2]

[Crackers]: This is one of those sweet wonderful comfort fics, the kind you can reread over and over again. Starsky is all heart, Hutch is not feeling well, and so Starsky does what comes naturally. [3]


  1. ^ a 2003 comment at Crack Van
  2. ^ a 2003 comment at Crack Van
  3. ^ Fangirl Tour Wednesday; archive link (April 20, 2011)