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Seamus/Dean Forever

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Name: Seamus/Dean Forever
Date(s): July 2002[1] - 2005[2]
Archivist: Miss Cora
Founder: Miss Cora
Type: Seamus/Dean fanfiction and fanart
Fandom: Harry Potter
URL: http://slashmistress.net/misscora/archive.html (WayBack link)
http://students.vassar.edu/amhirst/archive.html (WayBack link)
Seamus/Dean Forever AO3 Collection
Main page of The Seamus/Dean Archive
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Seamus/Dean Forever, also known as The Seamus/Dean Archive, was a hand coded archive for Harry Potter fanfiction and fanart dedicated to the Seamus/Dean pairing.

At the time of its original closing, it had an estimated 120 fics from 57 different authors, and 8 fanart pieces from 7 different artists.

In August 2015, it was announced that Seamus/Dean Forever would be moving to the Archive of Our Own as an Open Doors Project.[3] The import was completed in October 2015.


The archive was part of the Potterfic Alliance, where its description read:

A small archive focusing on the sweetness which is Seamus/Dean. Come read some of the best stories out there and learn about just how cute these two can be together. Featuring stories by Clio, Khirsah, Bec, and Lix, as well as many others. {;}Be aware, some of these stories are NC-17, but all are marked. Don't read if you don't like.[4]


Example from the fanart page. Line art by Bhanesidhe, color by Kym.

The navigation options were listed on the main page:

  • The Short Collections - This is what it says it is, one-shots and only S/D works by various authors. Excellent stuff.
  • The Long Collections - Here can be found all of the multi-chaptered stories archived on this site, and any authors who have written at least three S/D stories. So far these include Bec, Clio, Khirsah, Lix, and Miss Cora.
  • Seamus/Dean fanart - All of the Seamus/Dean fanart that we have is stored here. Very pretty.
  • Archived Updates - Should you ever decide you absolutely have to know when a certain fic was uploaded, all the old updates can be found here. Clearly, fascinating reading...
  • Submission guidelines - Because it's been pointed out that I never said.

Work Categorisation

  • Works on the original archive were uploaded to either The Short Collections (one-shots by various authors), The Long Collections (sub pages for multi-chaptered works or authors with at least 3 works) or Seamus/Dean Fanart.
  • Works were rated by the author using G, PG, PG-13, R
  • Works may have included additional descriptors in their summaries such as "vaguely angsty ficlet", "slash", "drabble".
  • 1 work included the equivalent of a warning in the summary - "character death"
