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Pairing: Scout (Team Fortress 2)/Spy (Team Fortress 2)
Alternative name(s): Daddy Issues; Silent Running; Seduce Me; Cloak 'n' Batter
Gender category: Slash
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
Canonical?: Fanon
Prevalence: (Depends)
Archives: n/a
Other: n/a
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Scout/Spy, known mostly as SpyScout, is a pairing within Team Fortress 2 fandom. It was once common, even popular, in early TF2 fandom from ~2008 to 2015 or so. After Spy was confirmed to be Scout's father in 2017 in the official TF2 comics, however, it's become a rarepair.

The ship is between The Scout and The Spy, two of the game's nine playable mercenaries and main characters.

Common Tropes

  • Incest Retcon: Because 2017's reveal came 10 years after the game initially released, many works for the pairing do not have them be related. Even after the reveal, many works keep them as unrelated.
    • Spy being Scout's father was hinted at for several years before it was revealed, so incestuous works for them existed prior to 2017.
  • Some Scout/Spy works explore the fact that Scout doesn't know Spy is his dad, which is canonical, as a kink.

Scout/Spy Fandom

The Tentaspy, a popular fanon interpretation of Spy where he's a tentacle monster, initially began as a Spy/Scout AU on TF2chan in 2008.

Example/Notable Fanac

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