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Pairing: Scout/Sniper
Alternative name(s): Speeding Bullet, Coffee 'n' Soda, Quick Scope
Gender category: Slash
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
Canonical?: No
Prevalence: Popular
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Scout/Sniper (also known as Speeding Bullet) is a popular slash pairing in the Team Fortress 2 fandom. They are the second-most popular TF2 ship on AO3.


Scout and Sniper have relatively few interactions in canon. In the first official TF2 comic, created for the Sniper vs. Spy update, we see Scout and Sniper appearing to have picnic on a control point. In the comic made for Scream Fortress VI, we see them in the background of the last panel, playing what appears to be poker. In the comic "The Naked and the Dead", it appears that Sniper knows that Spy is the Scout's father.

At the end of the "Mann vs. Machine - The Sound of Medicine" video released by Valve, Sniper and Scout share a fist bump.

Example Fanworks



Fan Mixes